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The goddess of healing, purity, medicine, peace and protection. Santiris is the goddess who watches over all healers and is the complete opposite of her sister Necrosis, hence why the sisters are never at peace. She's a goddess of great compassion but on the flip side she also has a zero tolerance policy against necromancers or any other foul being bending the laws of nature.

She is one of the gods that frequently interacts with mortal creatures and wherever Necrosis spreads her rot, she will most likely manifest as well in the form of a trail of healing herbs since the two are interwoven with one another. Though it isn't only physical healing she is responsible for. It is also the healing of the mind and soul. Hence why she is responsible for gifting creatures with the ability to create medicine, a non-magical way of treating illness and injuries.

Her sigil is also often used during the casting and creation of protection spells. In fact, just using the sigil on its own will sometimes grant any creature a base level of protection against the unpure.

Divine Domains

Healing, protection and medicine of all kinds which inadvertently also means peace and calmth since those things are also essential for healing and recovery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her life goal is to strip the world of all disease, violence and darkness so every creature can live a much purer and better life without the constant threat. However it is a goal that often makes her weep as she knows this is impossible.There cannot be light without darkness.


She has large temples dedicated to her worship which also always act as a place of greater healing where healers will treat even the sickest of creatures, including the terminally ill wanting to help them spend their final days in as little pain as possible. These temples almost always have been built on top of a sping which are believed to have been sanctified by Santiris herself upon the completion of said temple. Smaller shrines can also be found all across the world, mostly around hosplitals and near the residence of town healers.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Healing


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