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Daughter of Sin and Reyri. She inspires courage and bravery, especially during battle, hence why she's often prayed to by warriors before battles or hard tasks. She's often seen depicted with wings and a sword. Her sword is a special artifact called 'hope' though which she channels all her powers when she visits the mortal world.
However she is also known to sometimes inspire people to the point of overkill when courage and bravery turn to hubris and most likely end in tragedy. Hence why worship of her is sometimes also cursed, despite the fact she usually always has good intentions.

Recently though, no one has seen or felt the goddess' divine power anywhere. The people don't know what happened, it's like she just completely vanished. She still gets worshipped but it's like any and all prayers go unanswered and even het high priests are beginning to worry as he temples no longer shine with the divine light they once did.

Divine Domains

Courage, bravery, victory & also hubris. She tends to walk a thin line between filling creatures with courage and causing them to be filled with hubris and inevitably cause their downfall.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


She's often worshipped during Lughnasad since this is a holiday that people are in desperate need of a little courage and hope during their time of self reflection. Other than that there aren't any specific holidays she's worshiped, however is it isn't unusual to see shrines dedicated to her anyway since she's pretty well liked among the people.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She seels to inspire bravery and courage in all creature big and small so they may face their battles and let their voices be heard, she believes no one should be silenced.


Makeshift shrines dedicated to her can be found at every major battlefield as well as any place people might need a little courage, though most people just wear a necklace with her sigil on their chest, it is said she can manifest through this and fill the wearer's heart with courage and it is also said to be her preffered way of worship. However it is said she's also very fond of people putting her sigil on their swords.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Courage


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