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Valkyries of the Flame

The daughters of Tirus.
They are said to be forged by Tirus himself, only the most accomplished of forge priests are able to call them down to stand by his side in battle.
However once they are called into battle they are fierce and loyal as expected.
They can appear with and without wings as they don't necesarily need them to fly, using the power of the forger fires of Tirus that gave them life to propel themselves throuh the air.
When fighting for their father or within the setting of an army or when summoned by an exceptionally talented forge priest they are usually led by their eldest sister, Tirus' first born, Virago. There are 12 of them in total, each with their own specialised weapon yet they all have the same sublime fighting style since they've all been training from the moment of their creation.

Divine Domains

Fire, courage, the power of the forge and battle. They are designed to be true battlemaidens.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  Their goals are to serve their father Tirus and stand by his followers. They're very skilled in battle hence why they're seen as valuable allies to have in battles.


They are often worshipped together with their father and before battles by a lot of dwarven war-masters, regardless of their skill.

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Religious, Holy Order


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