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The main god and creator of the dwarves and smithing. Tirus is worshipped by all dwarves but especially by the dwarves of Karak Azgaraz. This is due his incredible favouritism of their forefathers, The Magma-Beards. However, he is clearly still fond of their decendants as well, ganting them the best materials and smithing skills. He is also very into ale and fighting as expected of a Dwarven god and thus it comes to no surprise that he also passed that on to his beloved dwarves. He is also one of the few gods who has almost completely forsaken his divine form in favor of taking on a form that is more compatible with the dwarves he created. 
He is also believed to have had a hand in the making of The Creation Forges.

Divine Domains

His main domains are the art of blacksmithing and everything concerning the dwarven race. He cares about little else.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

He mostly just wants the dwarves to thrive and encourages them to lead an honourable life while taking pride in their craft, what they are and what they stand for. Hence why most dwarves have such a strong sense of pride and honour.


His shrines can be found in every dwarven settlement with his main temple being set in the settlement of Karak Azgaraz.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
God of Blacksmithing


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