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Often seen a big majestic stag or bear, Vernora is the goddess of the wilds and has control over most fauna within the world. She only shows herself to those who are worthy. If one is able to hunt her down in her beast for she will show great respect and might grant a favor in return if the hunt was truly admirable. She's also the one who watches over all hunters, rangers, wood elves and other woodland dwellers. She isn known to work closely together with Yavanna since she basically wouldn't be able to exist without her.

Divine Domains

The hunt, freedom, the wilderness and archery are her main domains however it is also noted that she watches over all beasts including the people who have a beast within them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils



She is often celebrated during Lughnasad as this is a time people will start to look more towards building up enough reserves for the Winter and thus hunting enough game to make it through the harsh weather.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her main goal is to preserve the freedom of the wild and watch over the hunters risking their lives in order to feed their families.


Shrines dedicated to her as well as temples can be found hidden deep within the woods or near hunters cabins and butchers. She prefers to be presented with a fresh kill as sacrefice at her shrines. However if the beast wasn't killed and treated with respect and honour she will be extremely offended.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of the Wilds


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