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"This is the tale of the beginning. Heaven and earth split, and nothingness praised creation. From the infinite azure descended the breath of life, razing the texture of the land yet sprouting the seeds from which existence springs forth. Such is the wingbeat of the Great Dragon Bahamut, ruler of the astral villa, and by its actions it declared its decree: to live and die, as befits the circle of life.   O King of the Skies, mortar of the stars. Render unto us judgment, for we cannot reach the heavens ourselves."  
- Excerpt from the "Decree of Life", a Hamuran Prayer Book centered on worship of Bahamut


Mandate of the Astral Villa
Long ago, Hamura was but a humble settlement of refugees displaced by the Xerasian Invasion. Little is known of their true origins, but their progenitors were known to be Dragonborn followers of Bahamut. They sought to flee to the far corners of Muria, and deemed the Westward Jungles - which escaped the invasion relatively unscathed - the safest location. The region was ideal to followers of Bahamut: coastal winds and mountains made for great shrines for the draconic deity, and the trees of the jungle possessed appealing properties for building. Within time, they established a kingdom governed by a family blessed by the 'Mandate of the Astral Villa' - a decree to uphold life and death with respect. The kingdom began to prosper even in its isolation, blessed by the bounties of both the western seas and jungles. However, they soon came at odds with the jungle's original inhabitants, the druids of Ibanah who saw them as pillagers of their land.

During these early days, Hamura is ruled by the royal clan Torifune, a Dragonborn lineage dating back to the early settlements. Its clan heads rule for life as King or Queen, with successions occurring around the latter half of each sovereign's life. However, around the beginning of the Age of Fantasia, the royal clan's power began to wane as the other clans began consolidating power. Then-Queen Amagi Torifune established the Azure Ascendants as a system to appease the other clans, but did not account for their increasing demands for power; soon, the Torifune were diminished to a political figurehead and symbol while true power lay with the Ascendants.   The Azure Ascendants
Hamura is governed by a group of military leaders known as the Ascendancy, appointed directly by the royal Torifune to lead the country. The Ascendancy governs a system of strict class hierarchy led by the appointed leaders known as 'Ascendants' at the top, all of whom either come from upper castes or have contributed greatly to the country. Below them are the 'Aspirants', who are proven warriors, mages or builders granted special privileges by Ascendants in agricultural surplus, land or special services from peasants. Lastly is the 'Community', made up of the rest of society. The Ascendancy have ruled the nation for an untold age, with the King reduced to a figurehead. Ascendants and Aspirants hold the most power and influence in the kingdom, and sometimes compete with one another for their status.


Despite their attempts to distance themselves from their Ibanan neighbors, Hamura remains a nation steeped in superstition and culture. Their culture revolves around worship of Bahamut and a higher plane of existence known as the 'Azure'; this religion is known as 'Astralism', and has existed for as long as the Kingdom has stood.   The Winds are Free
As Bahamut's primary element, wind is sacred in Hamuran society. Much of Hamuran structures are built using wood from the Westward Jungles which, due to their mysterious composition, can be made near weightless - almost to the point of floating. Combined with runes which channels the wind, Hamura is able to build their infrastructure upon the air itself. These runes can be attached underneath structures to allow them to stay afloat, or fastened onto harnesses or belts to allow for limited air travel. Hamuran architecture are spaced apart, creating funnels of wind through the city which acts like a sprawling network of roads for magical air travel. Hamuran mages practice a brand of evocation magic centered on wind magics.   To Live and Die
Hamurans live by the Mandate of the Astral Villa, which espouses Bahamut's decree - to live and die as befits the cycle of life. As such, Hamurans pay great respects to life and death in equal measure, and to every facets of existence. There are certain rituals, superstitions and taboos its citizens obey to; meal preparation is accompanied by utterances of gratitude, materials like wood are inscribed with certain glyphs which allow it to 'pass into the afterlife'. When a Hamuran citizen passes away, a sky burial is prepared where their body is offered to the sky-dwelling denizens of the region - chief among them being wyverns and dragons, subjects of their draconic god as well. Hamuran mages also practice healing evocation magics and necromancy, though largely for insight into different states of life; the people dare not interfere with the natural course of life, forbidding resurrection and frowning upon practice of undeath.   True Lords of the Skies
Despite being a superstitious and isolationist nation, Hamura's brightest minds are among the greatest in Muria - rivalling the researchers of Stonehall and the arch mages of Crystallis. Blessed by bountiful lands and strong leylines, the city has developed into a veritable melting pot where arcana and engineering intertwine. Chief among their innovations are the Hamuran Skyfarers - boats constructed of Ubi-sunt Wood from the Westward Jungles whose properties allow the alteration of the end construct's mass, allowing for integration of runestones of air to keep the vehicle aloft. The same principles are baked into Hamuran structures as well, often hanging off the edges of waterfalls and cliffs, and some even floating high in the skies. The imperial capital where the Torifune and the Ascendants convene hangs just off a grand waterfall that spills over into the western seas.

Public Agenda

Since the Ascendants rose to power, Hamura has closed its borders to all nations with the sole exception of the King's Chasm, whose historical significance lends to a degree of trust. Otherwise, they have not paid any attention or care for outside matters - aided largely by their remote location, with the sole exception of the Midnight Crisis. However, they continue to harvest the bounties of the jungle to the dismay of the Ibanah druids.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
Ascendants of the Azure Ascendancy
Judicial Body
Aspirants of the Azure Ascendancy