BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Jeremiah was never good. He blamed it on never feeling a parent's love, or not growing up having a home, or the rough street life - but deep down, he knows he's the problem. He knows the old tavernkeep cares for him and he can be an honest man if he would just stops screwing up.   Sometimes, his conscience flares and he gets the impulse - or delusion - to make something of himself. Last time it happened, he had the bright idea to go all the way to Stonehall to shoot his shot at becoming a mercenary. Didn't work, of course, he had no battle experience nor martial training. Never even been outside of the village before. After a few days his conscience faded and he realized he was an unknown man in the middle of a city of riches. A single armor set, or sword, or even an artwork, would make him enough gold to live rich back in the village.   So he made some shady friends, got a few tools and tried his hand at house robbery. The village boy was then introduced to the wonders of a modern city; a trip wire which produced an alarm, doors that automatically shuts and that gas - that strange green gas. Jeremiah doesn't quite know what happened next. He is sure he got beat up. He thinks he remembers being caught and dragged through the alleys, but how he is free he does not know.   Whats certain is he came home empty handed. Having learnt his lesson, he got a job at the fields and spends his spare time reading up on the outside world. He'd like to think he's better prepared for the next time he has the chance to make it big, but in reality he still feel that familiar urge whenever he sees valuables unattended.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
260 lb