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Lucrèce Ambroise

Doctor Lucrèce Ambroise

A sage reads veraciously amidst his collection of dusty grimoires and broken flasks. His pupils wait in anticipation, eager to hear the next part of the instruction for the experiment. "Sometimes I honestly do not understand our kind." remarked Lucrèce to his pupils. "We mortals keep records of our history for the purpose of studying it to avoid the repetition of mistakes. Yet, for hundreds of years we still fail to end all violent cycles of oppression, reducing the entirety of our history to an abstract spectacle, as if separate and unrelated to the present. We dismiss and gawk at the past as if it was a forgettable theatrical piece." The room murmurs with confusion and doubt. "Perhaps all we really need is more time, but don't you think it's a little bit bizarre that we treat these stories of old as merely fictional rather than factual?" Lucrèce thought aloud.   His words influenced the pupils, albeit briefly. Lucrèce distribute parchments to his students, it is a lengthy list titled 'Ingredients for the Rites of Lichdom'. It wasn't long until one of the pupils questioned the components used for the experiment. The room is filled with discourse. Painted into a corner, Lucrèce stood his ground and clenched his cane. "Time will no longer be my adversary. I will become the chronicler that this world needs - a paragon of truth. Heed my aid and return to me with the necessary components." pleaded Lucrèce.   To their dismay, the pupils draw their daggers and encroach the sage. Lucrèce looked at each and every one of his pupils with disappointment. "You would conspire against me? Against the pursuit of knowledge and truth?" said Lucrèce as he opens the lid of a green glowing flask from his desk. "A pity, all of you could have been exceptional Necromancers.". Brambles fill the room as the students are engulfed by the the caster's spell.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Lucrèce wears a special costume consisting of an ankle-length overcoat and a bird-like beak mask, often filled with sweet or strong-smelling substances (commonly lavender), along with gloves, boots, a wide-brimmed hat, and an outer over-clothing garment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about the early history of Doctor Lucrèce Ambroise, except that 20 years ago, he was the only person in Zarathar's maximum security prison who was considered dangerous enough to necessitate confinement in a small prison cell, chained to the wall by his ankle. He would, however, one day be visited by a recruiter who was seeking his insight and sagacity to become an agent on behalf of the Izeran Federation, a request that would automatically get him out of there.   At first Lucrèce refused since he is quite content with his life down in prison, it wasn't until one of the members of the bureau began teasing him with the fact that he had nothing to tinker with down there. In his reluctance Lucrèce accepted the offer, though little does the bureau know that Stonehall has better ingredients and herbs needed for the very experiment that subjected him in prison in the first place.


Hailing from a family of botanists, Lucrèce excelled in the fields of alchemy, history, and philosophy. He was top of the class at Delacour's Academy of Magisque, his graduate thesis was about how traditional pagan rituals enhanced the "healing power of nature", this path ultimately lead him to become a Druid. In his personal notes in regards the restorative properties of spores when conducting surgery to a dying soldier, Lucrèce wrote: "I bandaged him and God healed him". This epitomizes a philosophy that he used throughout his career. Though his core tenets decayed as he matured, now leaning towards the prevention of harm rather than the process of healing itself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lucrèce Ambroise is a meticulous intellectual, the sage of Division 8. He is highly enthusiastic and extremely flamboyant, tending to make macabre, and disturbing comments about his opponents. Lucrèce is quite open minded, willing to listen to every side of an argument before he makes his own judgment.

Morality & Philosophy

"Time will heal all wounds, but what if time was the illness?" - Lucrèce on researching the rites of Lichdom.
  Prior to his prison sentence, Lucrèce was disappointed by the bureau's lack of transparency and their dubious methods in governing the midlands. He thought if history was written by the victors, what of the voices of those who had lost? Society would only be able to grasp a historical narrative from one perspective when in actuality truth exists only if one takes into account every possible perspective. His obsession with the need to have an authentic and holistic historiography lead to his pursuit to conquer death through finding the first Juniper Tree in Muria. Should Lucrèce live through multiple millenniums of discourses, wars, and plagues, he would become the most accurate and authentic primary source for all historians, thus eliminating any obstruction or distortion of truth.


Family Ties

  • Gervais Ambroise (Father)
  • Céline Ambroise (Mother)
  • Porcelina Ambroise (Younger Sister)

Curious and discreet, there is an air of mystique when people talk about Doctor Ambroise. His infamous reputation with the Apothecary Guild precedes him, but above all he only wishes to become a lifelong learner.

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True Neutral
Current Residence
Izera, Stone Hall
Curly, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I want to learn all that life has to offer. To view history through every single possible lens - every possible truth. Perhaps you can now understand why one lifetime is not nearly enough..."
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish (Zaratharian)
  • Dwarven
  • Sylvan
  • Primordial
  • Druidic


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