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Merry Umbermoon

Merry Umbermoon

Ah, books. The books I've put under my hat. The hat that holds my books. The books I read that hide under my hat. The hat that hides my novels, my lovey dovey bookies...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slim, looks fit, but can't give a piggie back ride to a large cat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Just a dude that worked at two carnivals. He misses one and hates the other, simply.

Gender Identity

(Cis.) Male


Chaotic Neutral/Good
Pale yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red tanned
Known Languages
Common, Infernal

Relationship Status

Relationship Status with the party! ✧ Big Richard ✧ Friendly, Guardian(ish) Angel ✧ Genuinely worries about them. Quietly looks after them ✧ "You're different from the rest of us. You deserve to be happy. I want to learn more about you."     Edwin ✧ Friendly Acquaintances ✧ He needs to party more. Merry wants to talk, but is unsure how to start conversation✧ (Previously) "He's quiet, but seems to get along good with Gladio. He's fun to be around, but he needs to talk a bit more... And watch his mouth when he does. Uh... Maybe it's the business mindset...?"   Merry wants to get to know more of Edwin. (Currently) "Edwin seems fun to be around still. I think we have some sort of platonic connection?"     Omatoris ✧ Acquaintances ✧ Cautious around him, but wants to give him a piece of his mind ✧ (Previously) "You sure love to preach your truth. I think it's time you heard some of mine."   Merry is curious about Omatoris. (Currently) "How long has it been since ya felt truly happy?"     Gladiolus ✧ Friendly, Parental ✧ Very curious about him, wants to get closer (for paternal and self reasons), desperate for answers ✧ "Who are you? What are you? What happened? Why is there similarities between us? What are you not telling me? Do you know something about me? Did you know something about me? Do you know me? Are you behind this?"


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