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Sahir Ibn Ishq al-Saudade

The Ardent Alchemist

"Our Garden, Your Treason." - Arisa Eliade, tempera on wood panel, 95cm x 150cm

On that night in Saudade Emporium, an alchemist bears a burning guilt.   "There's was something about you that now I can't remember. It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender", thought aloud as the man clutches his chest with a steel grip. Shocked, stunned even, at the sight of leaves glistening on the garden wall. Or perhaps it was the sound of black crows chirping as they give birth to white doves. There's an air of festivity in the garden, a celebration of summer's return and spring's departure. The blind gardeners dart their pitch-black eyes at clear blue skies. Rain pours and the flowers combust at the touch of water, only to be doused by flame over and over again. His foot falls upon the garden path, heavy as they are, the earth springs over his head and moulds a throne from roots. He glides towards the entrance, manoeuvring his way across a stony torrent. There lies a woman dressed in pure flame. Rushing headstrong towards his own fears, as does she. Upon impact they collapse into each other. He melts into her warm embrace, absorbing her whole being. Afraid and vulnerable, he weeps.   Found wanting, he abruptly ends the misty tryst. He is reminded of his lofty apartment, his renowned company, and the crooked five fingers he had the displeasure of shaking. The price has reach billions, and with it the bidders too. A long list of the usual suspects; impulsive tycoons, pretentious collectors, cut-throat corpos, the works. Fumes steam out of his arms, a red glare alights. A seething hatred is brewing in his chest. His anger stems not from the price that these profligates have bid upon, but rather on who would have the heart to sell such an ethereal piece of art. For he alone saw what the painting was worth - it was priceless.   "Of all the emporiums, in all the kingdoms, in all the planes, her painting steps into mine". The warmth was fleeting, yet he remained grateful to feel ever so ardently. Perhaps this painting reminded him that his heart, while charred and rusty, is still capable of beating.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Sahir Ibn Ishq al-Saudade is a tall man with sharp features, he bears unusual metallic arms and a steel jawline. His big turban is used as a component pouch and it is also where he stashes his spellbook; adorned with snakeskin and a red tassel coiling around it. He keeps his face set in a wide mocking smile, his use of heavy sarcasm as a defence mechanism makes it difficult to discern his sincerity.

Mental characteristics


Sahir Ibn Ishq al-Saudade was an oddly gifted Wizard, well-versed in both transmutation and necromancy, but his curious temperament never allowed him to settle down in one place for very long. The literature that he would associate himself with during research were quite eclectic, the most notable one was an autobiography of a long-dead alchemist and poet called Melvana al-Khidr. The book had allegorical symbolisms depicting the mage's spiritual journey in achieving "inner-gold" while being under the tutelage of Ouroboros, the Serpent God of Time. Sahir was absolutely moved by the prose and humility of the mage, predating the genesis of the Prestidigitation cantrip being cast for the first time in front of a magical gate - Porta Alchemica. It was humbling to know that such a novice transmutation was the height of magic at one point in time.   The Gate has influenced the poetic imaginations of Sahir's alchemical manuscripts greatly. Afterwards, he had an unhealthy obsession with the philosophical notion of "identity over time", believing that objects exists in four dimensions - length, width, height, and time. A rather radical view on alchemy embraces the notion that all objects only exist for a moment. Sahir's graduate thesis, "Of Provenance, Providence, and Portals: A Fleeting Amble Into the Transmutable Soul", was outright rejected by the Mages Association; deeming it as too "hermetic" and relied heavily on arts and theology rather than actual science. In essence, the thesis proved that alchemical permanency is achievable through paintings should the pigments be transmuted accordingly, and the reconstruction of the Porta Alchemica is possible depending on the inherent structure and properties of the frame of the painting.   Ouroboros' presence in these texts were not of coincidence at all - nor was its relevance fleeting. Sahir's accidental glimpse into Porta Alchemica has enabled him to accelerate his understanding in the alchemical arts. During his brief trance, Ouroboros gave him the knowledge he so desires, albeit providing him with a sort of lesson. The toll for absolute assurance in transmutation magic is that of his two arms; Sahir will never build the beautiful garden he so yearns, and his lover will never feel the touch she so aches. To this day, he's still deciphering what triggered the opening of the gate.

Mental Trauma

The sight of several paintings by a particular artist haunts Sahir. In the most literal sense, he spontaneously combusts at the mere sight of the painting, though it is unclear whether he considers the flames as absolutely excruciating or endearing. The odd sensation, if anyone could call it such, is followed by a daze and a fogged mind. This phenomenon has occurred frequently throughout his career as an auctioneer.

Intellectual Characteristics

In most cases, Sahir Ibn Ishq al-Saudade does not seem intimidated by the abilities of his enemies, even if they have the upper hand. He is very easy-going and jovial, always remaining composed by maintaining his wit even amidst dire times. Greed comes naturally as an alchemist and an auctioneer, Sahir simply does not let anything go to waste, no matter how it is obtained. He does respect fair trade, the law of equivalent exchange applies to commerce as well as alchemy. Though deemed as an irresponsible Wizard by most of his clients, Sahir demonstrates a great level of empathy and worldly wisdom for art. When he is passionate it can be very sporadic, he flares quickly and embraces the extremities of his emotions as a form of divine expression.


Religious Views

"O Wyrmlord, if I worship You because I fear Hell, then swathe me in Eternal Fire;   If I worship You because I desire Paradise, then exclude me from the Eternal Garden;   But if I worship You for Yourself alone, then deny me not of Porta Alchemica."  
- Sahir Ibn Ishq al-Saudade on his unwavering love of God.
Sahir's devotion is quite unorthodox when compared to the other acolytes of Ouroboros. His fascination with the arcane and divine arts has lead him to practice his beliefs by consuming all forms of knowledge; by simply loving the act of learning. The creation of spells in the Wyrmlord's name is his personal way of expressing his "divine love" for knowledge. The fear of punishment or the promise of reward should not fuel man's faith - love is enough. His personalised spells are usually of the transmutation school of magic, with emphasis on spells that can alter the fabrics of time and space, as well as of those that empowers his fiery will. Performing alchemy is considered a daily ritual for Sahir; incorporating the pressing of the palms, as if it was a prayer, for the somatic elements of his castings.

Auctioneer by day, alchemist by night. Sahir al-Saudade considers magic as more of an art than a science. He's constantly transmuting the limits of the body, mind, soul, and time itself to unravel a past swathed by flames.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
CEO & Founder of Saudade Emporium
Deep Azure
Curly, Jet-black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and Metallic
188 cm
85 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Art is timeless, the same cannot be said for the artist."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Draconic
  • Primordial


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