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Wilkins von Vinheim

Pontifex Vinheim, Saint of Vast Depths

What makes patriotic and religious fanatics such dangerous opponents is not the deaths of the fanatics themselves, but their willingness to accept the deaths of a fraction of their number in order to annihilate or crush their infidel enemy. Wilkins understood this fully upon standing in front the towering monolith, countless dreams of a transfigured star has led him to tread deeper into darkness.   Plunged deep into what seems to be kaleidoscopic visions of a choir chanting the most ethereal song. The visions grow brighter, and the choir turns deafening. Now he stands before a mass, leading a prayer as a saint claiming peerless mastery over the occult. Wilkins snapped out his stupor, only to be snared back into the reverie by a voice that was utmost eldritch; "Dost thou see a tome before thee?... Inscribe thy name".   A chance to play hero? A chance to begin again? The voice beckons, tempting him with ambitions nigh fathomless. Perhaps Wilkins von Vinheim wasn't born on that sunny day in his father's estate - he was born when he signed the dotted line.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Devious, cunning, and calculating in his plans. Wilkins channel vile forces through the dark litany of his quant tome, utilising the uses of illusions and conjurations spells in order to deceive and to outnumber. He siphons the Deep and hold back the dark tide from consuming more than it already has.

Apparel & Accessories

Wilkins von Vinhiem is an aging man defined by his wrinkled and careworn face. He has pale skin, teal eyes, and luscious white hair. As the butler of House Highwind, Wilkins is most frequently dressed in a black and mauve two-piece suit.   In his civilian life he is often seen sporting the colour white, emerald, and gold to represent his cult. He also wears three rings on his fingers, two on the right and one on the left, with the jewels coloured blue, red, and green. The unsettling tome he carries swirls with an air of mystique, soft whispers and slurping noises can be heard frequently from the spine of the tome, which resembles that of the face of Deep Ones.


Family Ties

  • Ehrgeiz von Vinhiem (Father; deceased)
  • Elegia von Vinhiem (Mother)
  • Mina von Vinhiem (Sister)
  • Heidi von Vinhiem (Sister)

Through dark litany he bargains with creatures he need not name. Wilkins' professional and strict demeanour enables him to detach himself emotionally from violence, thus fulfilling the role of both combatant and judge.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of House Vinheim, Spy Master, Grand Judge
Short, White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Deep Speech
  • Elvish
  • Abyssal
  • Undercommon


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