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Originating from the vast realms of Naodica, the Hig'raf stand as a testament to resilience, innovation, and adaptability. This diminutive race, with heights ranging from 2'6" to 3'6", once faced the yoke of oppression under the Leonin Katsie of the Driaz Kore Empire. Their eventual emancipation not only shaped their collective psyche but also laid the foundation for their rich cultural and technological tapestry.   Sporting large, expressive eyes and equally prominent ears, the Hig'raf possess a unique set of sensory organs that grant them heightened perception. Their distinct dual-thumbed hands provide exceptional gripping capabilities, further augmented by their innate dexterity. Their skin exhibits varying shades of greens and greys, while black hair adorns their heads. Some members of the race are distinguished by their pronounced ears or sharp teeth. Females, much like other evolved races, exhibit visible mammary glands.   Once subjugated under the Empire of Driaz Kore, the Hig'raf emerged as a liberated race, showcasing a blend of determination and innovation. Their journey from subjugation to freedom has been immortalized through music, dance, and stories, passed down generations. Their cities, echoing the tales of their past, are bustling centers of trade, art, and steam-powered technological marvels.   Despite their small stature, the Hig'raf are well regarded in the realm of commerce and invention. Their inclination towards the finer aspects of craftsmanship, combined with their technologically advanced cities, has positioned them as one of the key trading and diplomatic races in Naodica.   At the heart of Hig'raf culture lies the value of community and shared experiences. They celebrate their liberation, technological feats, and unique physiology through various festivals and customs. Personal grooming is held in high esteem, with practices like nail-biting in public being frowned upon. Their legends, especially the tale of the Human Guardian who sacrificed their life for Hig'raf freedom, serve as perennial reminders of unity, sacrifice, and hope.

Basic Information


The Hig'raf stand out in the diverse population of Naodica due to their modest height, which typically ranges between 2’6” and 3’6”. Despite their stature, they present an anatomy intricately evolved for finesse and perception. With two pairs of opposable thumbs on each hand, Hig'raf hands are perfectly designed for intricate tasks, grasping, and tool use. Their skin, varying in shades of green and grey, offers them some camouflage in forested or rocky terrains. Above their eyes, a mop of black hair adorns their head, and many male Hig'raf sport beards.

Biological Traits

Dual Thumbs: Their most prominent trait is the presence of two opposable thumbs on each hand. This unique feature significantly enhances their dexterity and ability to manipulate tools, making them particularly adept at tasks that require fine motor skills. Large Ears and Eyes: These attributes not only provide them with heightened auditory and visual capabilities but also play a crucial role in their communication, with subtle ear movements conveying a range of emotions and intentions. Compact Stature: While their small size makes them vulnerable in some ways, it also offers advantages in terms of agility and the ability to navigate tight spaces with ease. Beards: Many male Hig'raf sport beards, which can vary in thickness and length. These beards often serve as a sign of maturity and are a source of pride among many Hig'raf communities.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hig'raf reproduction is marked by both its blessings and its challenges. Typically, a Hig'raf female gives birth to a litter ranging from 4-6 offspring. However, genetic vulnerabilities within the race mean that often only half of these offspring may reach adulthood, with the others succumbing to genetic defects.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy (0-2 years): Hig'raf infants are entirely dependent on their caregivers. This period is crucial, as this is when many genetic defects manifest, leading to a high infant mortality rate. Childhood (3-6 years): As they transition from infancy, young Hig'raf begin to show an affinity for learning and a curiosity about the world around them. Their dexterous hands start mastering finer tasks. Adolescence (7-9 years): Hig'raf reach adolescence quickly. This stage is marked by rapid intellectual and emotional development. They start to take on responsibilities and are prepared for adulthood. Adulthood (10-29 years): By the age of ten, a Hig'raf is considered a full adult. This period, spanning almost their entire lifespan, is marked by active contribution to their society, whether through craftsmanship, innovation, or other societal roles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Given their accelerated metabolism, the Hig'raf require frequent and nutritious meals to sustain their energy levels. Their diet is omnivorous, but with a heavier inclination towards plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. They possess a unique ability to digest certain types of fungi that are inedible to other races, giving them an advantage in areas where these fungi are abundant. Nonetheless, small portions of meat, particularly insects and small fauna, are also integrated into their meals for protein. Community meals are common, emphasizing the social nature of their race.

Biological Cycle

The Hig'raf don’t have long lives in comparison to some of the other races of Naodica. Their biological cycle is a compressed version of longer-lived species. Their metabolism runs at a higher rate, which might account for their quick maturation. Their shorter life cycle, combined with their unique societal challenges and genetic predispositions, places a profound emphasis on community, the passing of knowledge, and the importance of every individual's contribution to the greater good of their kind.


The Hig'raf are deeply communal beings, valuing the strength and support of their communities. Their shared challenges, from their shorter lifespans to genetic vulnerabilities, have instilled in them a profound sense of unity and mutual assistance. They tend to approach problems with a blend of innovation and teamwork. While they are peaceful by nature, their history has taught them the importance of defense, and they are not afraid to stand up when threatened. Their keen observational skills often make them excellent strategists, and they have a deep-rooted love for learning and invention.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The large ears of the Hig'raf are not just a distinguishing feature; they provide heightened auditory capabilities. Capable of detecting subtle shifts in sound, these ears are adept at identifying distant or soft noises, making Hig'raf particularly attuned to their surroundings. Complementing their auditory prowess, their large eyes enhance their visual perception, especially in low-light conditions. Together, these features suggest a race evolved for keen observation and awareness.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A Hig'raf's name tells a story of their journey, representing both their past and the potential of their future. They possess a childhood name, which is bestowed upon them at birth, typically representing hope or attributes desired by the parents. When they reach adulthood, a personal name is chosen, symbolizing their personal aspirations or traits they've come to embody. Additionally, a family name is carried, echoing the lineage and history of their ancestors. Personal Name Examples: Heleren, Igrel, Etau, Ratel Family Name Examples: Laux, Veuc, Ettrers

Beauty Ideals

Beauty in Hig'raf culture is a blend of natural attributes and personal grooming. For men, well-groomed beards are seen as a mark of maturity and are often adorned with beads or small trinkets. Women take pride in their hair, often intricately braiding it, adding decorative elements that might tell a story or represent their familial lineage. Large, well-cleaned ears, often adorned with earrings, are a universal sign of beauty, representing both the Hig'raf's keen senses and their historical significance.

Gender Ideals

Both genders in Hig'raf society are viewed as equals, with shared responsibilities and equal opportunities in various aspects of life.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Hig'raf is a heartfelt and genuine affair. Partners typically court each other by exchanging tokens of affection, with a common gift being intricately carved earrings or other adornments. Music, poetry, and shared experiences are pivotal in the courtship process.

Relationship Ideals

In Hig'raf relationships, mutual respect, understanding, and communication stand central. They believe in growing together, with relationships being seen as a partnership where both parties contribute equally. It's not uncommon for couples to collaborate on projects, from crafting to trade, further strengthening their bond.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Hig'raf, being keen observers, value manners and courteous behavior. A distinct etiquette observed when visiting someone's home is to compliment the host's ears. This gesture, while seemingly simple, signifies acknowledgment of the host's keen perception and appreciation of their hospitality. It's also common for guests to offer small tokens or gifts as a sign of gratitude.

Common Dress Code

The Hig'raf exhibit a penchant for functional yet aesthetically appealing clothing. Given their regions of habitation, their attire is adapted to both mountain winds and ocean breezes. Daily wear predominantly comprises single pieces of cloth, flowing and light, which are then accentuated with intricately designed belts and wraps. The delicate artwork on these belts often narrates stories of their ancestry, significant events, or simply artistic interpretations of nature. For work, especially in their advanced steam-powered facilities, the clothing becomes more form-fitting to ensure safety and agility, while still retaining elements of their cultural aesthetic.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Steeped in history, the Hig'raf have emerged from the chains of oppression to form a rich tapestry of traditions, art, and values. Their experiences under the yoke of the Driaz Kore Empire and subsequent emancipation play a pivotal role in shaping their collective psyche. They're a testament to resilience, adaptability, and innovation. Music, dance, and storytelling are integral to their culture, serving both as a means of entertainment and as methods to pass down historical accounts and moral tales.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Ear Adornment Day: An annual celebration where Hig'raf adorn their ears with new jewelry, symbolizing another year of keen perception and growth. Steamfest: A festival that celebrates the technological achievements of the Hig'raf. It's a confluence of innovation, showcasing new steam-powered inventions and designs. Freedom Eve: Commemorating their emancipation from the Leonin Katsie, this event involves candlelit processions, music, and storytelling that recounts the tales of their ancestors' struggles and victories.

Common Taboos

To the Hig'raf, personal grooming and presentation are indicative of one's respect for themselves and those around them. Biting one's fingernails in public is more than just a breach of personal grooming; it's perceived as a direct insult to observers. It implies that the person is either disinterested or nervous, suggesting an underlying disrespect or deceit.


The Hig'raf, despite their relatively diminutive stature, have a vast history that intertwines with the grand tapestry of Naodica's past. Originally subjugated as part of the Empire of Driaz Kore, the Hig'raf were enslaved by the Leonin Katsie, enduring hardships alongside the Humans of the fallen empire. Over generations, they've shown resilience and determination, leading to their emancipation and the establishment of their own societies.

Common Myths and Legends

The tale of the Human savior is one deeply revered in Hig'raf lore. As legends narrate, during the waning days of the Driaz Kore Empire's control, a human, name now lost to time but often referred to as "The Guardian," sought to establish a haven for the oppressed. Fiercely protective and profoundly just, this figure was pivotal in aiding the escape of numerous Hig'raf from the clutches of the precursors of the Empire of Zanaro. In a tragic yet heroic climax, The Guardian sacrificed their life, defending a group of Hig'raf from capture. This act not only cemented their legacy but laid the foundation of an enduring bond between the two races. The Guardian's tale is often recited in gatherings, serving as a perennial reminder of sacrifice, unity, and hope.
30 years
Average Height
The Hig'raf stand between 2’6” and 3’6”. Their size, while making them one of the smaller races, provides them with certain advantages in dexterity and agility.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin displays a range of greens and greys, offering camouflage in certain terrains. These shades can vary, with some Hig'raf displaying deeper or lighter tints than others. Their black hair, which can range from short to long and straight to curly, provides a stark contrast to their skin. Unique patterns or markings, akin to freckles or birthmarks, can sometimes be seen, with each pattern being as unique as the individual.


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