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The Korvinhall Republic

The Korvinhall Republic stands as a beacon of resilience and innovation in the heart of Naodica. Encompassing 20,000 square miles of diverse landscapes, this republic is a fascinating blend of classic architectural grandeur and groundbreaking steam technology. Born from the unity of the Hig'raf, humans, and Katsie, this nation has etched its name in history, not just as a territory but as an idea, an ideal, and a testament to what different races can achieve together. At its heart lies the city of Korvinhall, bustling with activity, where majestic stone edifices coexist with Manacite-driven machines. A republic in governance, it champions the rights of its citizens while balancing the scales of power and responsibility. Though only those born in its embrace can hold office, it offers the promise of voice and franchise to all who earn their place.   The majority of its populace are the industrious Hig'raf, their steam-powered technologies symbolizing a future bright with potential. The classic charm of the nation is interwoven with intricate networks of steam rails, Manacite-fueled factories, and the hum of an evolving era. Their military, though not vast, is formidable. Elite units brandish shock-rifles, harnessing electricity for warfare, while slave soldiers—serving to atone for their misdeeds—wield traditional arms, supported by their technologically advanced counterparts.   Agriculture thrives on the vast plains, and the forests yield valuable timber. The deep bays along the coastline facilitate maritime trade, further enriched by the nation's advantageous position along the Zurian Sea. However, it's the rich seams of Manacite—a resource central to their steam-powered society—that truly fuels their economy and global influence.   Though their relations with neighbors like the Empire of Zanaro remain tense, the Korvinhall Republic remains undeterred, ever vigilant, and always forward-looking. It's a nation where the spirit of democracy meets the might of steam, and where the past and future merge to chart a unique course in the annals of Naodica.


At the helm of the Korvinhall Republic is the democratically-elected High Marshal, a prestigious position that oversees the governance of the nation. The foundation of this republic is its Senate, a revered body that holds the power of decision-making and legislature. Every Korvinian born within the nation's borders, irrespective of race, has the privilege to vote and stand for governmental roles, upholding the republic's essence of inclusivity and equality. Slavery, albeit existing in a limited capacity, is distinctly different in the Korvinhall Republic. Typically reserved as a form of penal labor for those who have committed crimes, it is a temporary state. The republic ensures that any individual purchased from a slave market is guaranteed freedom after a tenure of five years, during which they are then granted rights of residency, along with a government stipend for a subsequent five-year period as a gesture of restitution.


The heartbeat of Korvinian culture is undeniably the industrious Hig'raf, who dominate the nation's ethos and lifestyle. As one wanders through Korvinian streets, it's hard to ignore the revolutionary advent of steam power, with machines, vehicles, and even daily utilities undergoing a significant transformation, thanks to the innovative use of Manacite. The cityscape is dotted with towering steam columns, and the gentle hum of machinery reverberates in the air. Architectural marvels, markets brimming with intricate steam-powered gadgets, and plazas showcasing mechanical artworks characterize urban zones. While the Hig'raf's liberation from past oppressions is celebrated, it's their technological prowess that stands as the nation's pride.   Personal grooming, collective memory, and community are still pivotal to Hig'raf cultural traditions. Festivals, public ceremonies, and even daily routines blend their age-old traditions with the new-age marvels of steam technology.

Public Agenda

The Korvinhall Republic, rooted in democratic principles, ardently promotes values of equality, freedom, and innovation. Internationally, they are determined to spread their republican ideals and have garnered a reputation for their skill in infiltration and military intervention. A nation with a vision, they aim to lead by example, showcasing to the world that progress and heritage can coexist harmoniously.


In the annals of Naodica's history, the formation of the Korvinhall Republic stands as a chapter of resilience and ambition. As the region's Hig'raf joined forces with the human rebellion against the oppressive Driaz Kore, they paved the way for the genesis of their own nation, distinct in its values and vision. The early days of the republic were marked by trials, as they had to defend their newfound sovereignty against various raiders and nations. These battles, both metaphorical and literal, have left an indelible mark on Korvinian history, shaping their national policies and defense strategies. With every challenge faced, the Korvinhall Republic emerged stronger, more united, and fiercely protective of its democratic ideals.   While the past reverberates with tales of conflict and determination, the present-day Korvinhall Republic is a testament to the spirit of innovation, the power of democracy, and the undying quest for a brighter future.

Demography and Population

The Republic of Korvinhall has a thriving population of 611,000 citizens. Dominating the demographic are the innovative Hig'raf, making up 65% of the populace. Humans, influenced by both their indigenous cultural practices and the technological marvels of the Hig'raf, account for 20%. The agile Katsie, having integrated seamlessly into the Republic's ethos, constitute 10%. The remaining 5% comprises various races, reflecting the Republic's inclusive values.


Sprawling across 20,000 square miles, the Korvinhall Republic boasts varied terrains that have shaped its destiny. To the north, the imposing mountain ranges stand as silent sentinels, protecting the nation from the chaotic expanse of Derendal. The serene Zurian Sea to the south offers both a natural boundary and an avenue for trade and exploration. Dense forests, holding both mysteries and resources, mark the western boundary with the Magocracy of Mordrane, while the east, sharing borders with Beyari, is carpeted with luscious woods. The heartland of Korvinhall is a mesmerizing blend of rolling hilly plains interspersed with patches of dense forests, echoing both the nation's tranquility and its dynamic spirit.


The Republic of Korvinhall possesses a formidable military force, both in terms of technology and strategy. Ground Forces: Elite units are equipped with cutting-edge shock-rifles, powered by Manacite, that unleash bolts of electricity on adversaries. This technological marvel has given Korvinian forces a distinct edge in ground warfare. Supplementing these units are slave soldiers, equipped with spears and shields. Despite their servile status, they form a crucial component of the military and often are positioned in tandem with free shock-rifle troops to maximize combat efficiency.   Navy: While not vast, the Korvinhall navy is known for its prowess. Ships, often powered by steam engines, are equipped with artillery and shock-rifle units, ensuring dominance in naval skirmishes.   By blending traditional combat techniques with modern technological marvels, the military of the Korvinhall Republic stands as a beacon of the nation's resilience, innovation, and undying spirit.

Technological Level

Korvinhall stands as a testament to the fusion of age-old architectural genius and the dawn of a new technological age. Vast coliseums, intricate mosaics, and grand structures are juxtaposed with Manacite-driven innovations. The discovery and harnessing of Manacite have propelled them into an age where steam dictates much of their machinery and transportation. Their scientific endeavors mainly focus on enhancing steam technology, optimizing Manacite utilization, and ensuring sustainable growth. However, while the technological front witnesses rapid advancements, the realm of magic has seen a plateau, with the emphasis shifting from arcane arts to Manacite research.


The Republic of Korvinhall is a nation that upholds the principles of justice, equality, and progress. Slavery & Servitude: Slavery is only sanctioned as a penal punishment for crimes and is strictly time-bound. All slaves bought from markets are mandated to be released after a period of five years. Former slaves are guaranteed rights, financial support, and are protected against any form of discrimination.   Technological Advancements: Any innovation involving Manacite or steam-power must adhere to safety and environmental guidelines. Unauthorized use or theft of Manacite is considered a grave offense.   Defense & Espionage: Any form of espionage or threat to national security is dealt with severe penalties.   Rights & Representation: Every Korvinian born within the nation has an inherent right to vote and hold political office, irrespective of their race or background.   Environment & Natural Resources: Logging, mining, and other resource extraction must obtain legal permissions, ensuring the ecological balance is maintained.

Agriculture & Industry

A unique blend of traditional agricultural practices and steam-driven machinery marks the agricultural sector of the Korvinhall Republic. The hilly plains produce bountiful crops like wheat, barley, and fruits, while Manacite-powered steam tractors assist in ploughing and harvesting. The forested regions yield timber, utilized both for construction and as a fuel source. Industry thrives on the backbone of Manacite. While traditional handicrafts and arts have their cherished place, Manacite-driven factories produce goods ranging from textiles to machinery components.

Trade & Transport

The Zurian Sea offers Korvinhall ample opportunities for maritime trade. Advanced steamships, many powered by Manacite boilers, ply across the waters, trading with nations afar. Within the Republic, roads crisscross the landscape, enabling seamless connectivity. Horse-driven chariots coexist harmoniously with steam-powered vehicles, offering transportation solutions suited to different terrains and needs.


Education in Korvinhall strikes a balance between the rich historical legacy and the emerging steam age. Traditional schools, or Ludii, focus on history, literature, and basic sciences. The Technikum, on the other hand, are specialized institutions where the youth learn the intricacies of Manacite, steam machinery, and advanced engineering. This dual system ensures that every citizen is well-versed in the traditions of the past and the innovations of the present.


Korvinhall's cities are an awe-inspiring amalgamation of majestic stone structures reminiscent of bygone eras and steam-powered marvels. Aqueducts bring fresh water into the cities, while Manacite-powered pumps aid in sewage and waste management. The republic takes pride in its well-maintained public spaces, amphitheaters, and steam-driven factories that dot the landscape. The walls, apart from their defensive roles, also house steam conduits and Manacite chambers, ensuring a centralized distribution of power and resources.
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The official currency of the Republic of Korvinhall is the Voltcoin, a coin that draws inspiration from the steam-powered innovations of the nation, specifically the shock-rifles. Engraved with the image of a lightning bolt, the Voltcoin symbolizes the power and progressiveness of the Korvinhall Republic.
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