Djornn is a town located on the south eastern corner of Rayas in The East Marshes perched on the peak of a large hill. The town is incredibly cramped and tightly packed with many buildings stacked on top of one another, featuring many levels. The narrow, often winding streets are teeming with people, merchants and traders although the majority are local due to its remote location.
In stark comparison to the town the surrounding farmland and fishing areas are vast and expansive, providing a source of vital food and income for not only the town but the region as a whole. There is a small dock on the coast located several hundred feet away from the town at sea level as well as a handful of storage sheds.
A council comprised of elected officials run the town and oversee the day to day operations, most of which is tied to the fishing or farming industry. The number of guards here is relatively low due to the small area and most individuals or companies electing to use private security on their farmland instead.
Karas Pyeton
Elina Virolas
Bolivar Abill
Santhor Water
Fresh Fish