Naru Geographic Location in World of Naru | World Anvil



Naru is a planet comprised mostly of ocean, although it does host several landmassess of various sizes. The largest of these lands form the continents of Ethea, Rayas and Keemu where most sentient life exists. The poles of the planet are frozen wastleands, most life forms exist much closer to or on the equator line.

Celestial Bodies & Time

Naru orbits a star (the sun) and three moons (Galori, Karako and Xodan) orbit Naru.


This is the 'main' moon that most see in the night sky and the moon used to track months in the calendar, this moon is also deeply tied to coastal tides, fey magic and other strong magical elements. It is silvery-white in colour and reflects a similar shade of light from the sun at night time.


A smaller moon than Galori, Karoko's orbit sees it visible every few months for around 3-4 days. At night when it is in view, it shines a pale green light that can be best seen when light from Galori is not overshadowing it. Its appearance does not seem to directly coincide with any natural or magical phenomena.


A much larger moon than Galori and Karoko combined, Xodan is visible only once or twice a year, usually making its appearance at the end of summer and the end of winter. Xodan has a yellow/copper hue and usually doesn't affect the light on Naru's surface very much, this is only different when the other moons align and an eclipse occurs causing Xodan to glow a deep red known as a blood moon. Many curses, omens and legends reference the blood moon however it does not seem to be tied to any natural or magical events much like Karoko.
A day is depicted by the positioning of the sun and broken down into chunks, a day has 12 hours and a night has 12 hours which are further broken down into minutes (60 per hour) and seconds (60 per minute). These days are grouped together in larger units based on ease of counting as well as certain weather patterns and seasons. A group of 7 days form a week, a group of 4 weeks form a month (28 days) which coincide with the orbit of the moon Galori and 10 months fill a year (280 days). Unknown magical energy seems to reinforce these timings and their mathematical structures at a core level.

Seasons and Months

The months are named after groups of ancient deities, found recorded in ancient literature. They may differ between locations and dialects but these names refer to them in a common tongue. The year begins with a season of spring, including the months of Arai and Eldah. Summer follows with Tairon, Fores then Melor. Autumn brings Rall and Oban. Finally, Winter comprises of Toloor, Nattis and Tharr.

The Crossing

It has recently been discovered (approx year 3975) that prior to 4000 years ago this planet was largely devoid of humans and many humanoid races and the ancestors of all those here today were brought here through a series of powerful magical rituals. These rituals wiped all but a handful of individuals memories and through a series of events still being pieced together that information ended up lost until a well-preserved stack of diary-style entries were found in the Al'Tea Ruins on Ethea. This event is referred to as 'the crossing' and a few historians still seek the answers of the past.




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