Rustspire Building / Landmark in World of Naru | World Anvil


General Description

Perched on one of the highest points in the islands, this tower of thick rusted metal sits almost all alone, weathered by the elements and long forgotten. It is primarily used as a landmark or waypoint for ships traveling the waters.

History & Legends

The tower started construction in 2845 by a mage named Bazkabar and was finished in 2848 with the help of several laborers and apprentices. Over the years more additions were added, and the tower grew higher and higher each time, changes in ownership brought in further changes in design and it became much wider too.   In 1997 the tower was covered in thick reflective sheets of metal and a mere handful of years later a storm of energy struck the tower and deformed it into a melted rusted mess like is seen today. It is widely speculated that this was the result of some kind of war between two powerful wizards and after these events, neither was ever seen again.


There is a distinct magical energy surrounding the tower and freak bursts of energy have been known to attack some who might get too close. A great number of warning signs litter the surrounding areas and access to the tower is not permitted although there is nothing in the way if anyone were to try.
Parent Location
The Aardragoon Islands


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