Glarithian Academy of Arts

The Glarithian Academy of Arts is a place of learning where the artistically inclined can learn to express themselves to the world in all the ways of the classical arts. Musicians, painters, dancers, philosophers and debaters all studying and mingling together under one roof.
  It is here that Xyp'sho and Tabitha Roux received their formal training and went on to become some of the most respected masters of their respective arts in all of Nascindor.

Offered Courses

The academy offers formal schooling in the fields of visual arts, musical expression, philosophy and poetry as well as more esoteric courses such as primers on magic as it pertains to the performative arts, though for actual instruction on projection and the nature of the Tapestrum Arcanum, one would have to enroll at the House of Learning instead.
If you ask me, nothing but pompous tossers come out of that place.
–A Druvenian merchant sharing his opinion about the academy
Related Tradition (Primary)
by AI-generated
Students of the academy

Cover image: by Midjourney


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