Harvest Weavers

Underneath the verdant meadows and fields of eastern Nascindor, near the city-state of Glarithia is located Gib'znel, the burrow-home of the Harvest Weavers. These Arachnitha have played a pivotal role in cultivating and maintaining amicable social relations with other species.

Diplomacy and Gossamer

The Harvest Weavers are the premier web-spinners among the Arachnitha, which is exemplified the best by the fact that it was they who initially introduced the concept of the masquerades, disguises woven from webbing meant to make Arachnitha less intimidating to their allies.
  Without the help of these veiling garments, the Arachnitha would have found it considerably harder to approach humanity and the S'aue and establish the trade relations and non-aggression pacts that they've negotiated now.


Gib'znel is, in essence, a single narrow tunnel running across the subterranea of eastern Nascindor, and as such there are very few communal spaces and it is not uncommon for space to be shared among neighboring families and individuals. This has led the weavers to develop very close-knit and intimate social circles where a single nest might serve as the home of more than three separate families.
  When hunters return from the deeper caves or the surface, they drag the catch along the tunnel and distribute it evenly to the people of Gib'znel. This trust and willingness to share extends to complete strangers as well, especially those who are not Arachnitha themselves. These visitors are invited into the weavers' silken abodes the moment they step foot into Gib'znel, to share in food and company.
  As the weavers excel at spinning their webbing, a kind of artistic tailoring has become a popular way for these spiders to express themselves. In addition to the masquerades, weaver artisans spin other types of clothing meant to highlight, not hide, an Arachnitha's features. It is not uncommon for weavers to wear silken veils and capes even when not engaged in diplomatic talks, simply for the pleasure of self-expression. This is not restricted to just clothing, either, as expertly spun nests that feature bold design choices are also used as a way to express oneself to the world.


Harvest Weavers are kind, cheerful and love to make visitors feel welcome in their homes. They take pride in their handiwork and often become bashful if complimented. The weavers are not fighters, but they will defend their home and help their allies if need be.
  A Harvest Weaver is the best kind of friend to have, for once you are part of their very extended family, they will share everything with you.
Come, friend! Still fresh, still lives!
–A Harvest Weaver inviting a visiting human to share in her meal
by Midjourney
A Harvest Weaver sentinel protecting an above-ground entrance into Gib'znel

Cover image: by Midjourney


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