
Keenly aware that they are intimidating even to their allies, the Arachnitha have taken measures to appear less threatening to those they interact with, and the most prevalent of these measures are the masquerades, clothing spun from their webbing that they use to appear more humanoid than they actually are.

Weaving and Properties

The simplest masquerades usually consist only of a poncho-like article of webbing that is worn over the entirety of the Arachnitha's body. This usually achieves a look that could be considered to be a moving tent, which isn't ideal, but gets the job done. The more elaborate masquerades include ornamentation and aesthetically pleasing cuts and dyes, as well as props such as masks that can be used to conjure the impression of a head in places where one might be expected to be, selling the illusion much better.
Does my countenance not frighten you?
–An unveiled arachnitha to a tribesman of the Mourning Plateau
by AI-generated
A Harvest Weaver diplomat wearing his masquerade

Cover image: by AI-generated


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