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Dahl, Loc, and Theyn (Daal, Lock, Thay-n)

Nasza Ziemia's trio of moons, each of which can affect the plane in different ways. These effects are strongest in the Mortal Lands of Respite.   Dahl the Green Moon orbits and undergoes its phases three times over the course of the year. When full, it bolsters divine magic (celestial and healing) but also triggers lunar frenzies in werewolves. The effects of a full white moon last for a week.   Loc the Blood Moon orbits undergoes its phases twelve times over the course of the year. When full, it bolsters eldritch magic (pact, necromancy, and blood) but also triggers intense bloodlust/bloodthirst in vampires. The effects of a full blood moon last one night.   Theyn the Purple Moon orbits only once a century, and requires a full year to complete its phases. When full, it bolsters all arcane sources of magic (wizardry and sorcery), natural magic (druidic), but most heavily curse magic. The effects of a full blue moon can last for over a month, but occur with the greatest infrequency of all the full moons.

Affected Groups

Cursed Individuals   Spellcasters
Chronic, Congenital

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