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Kiryn, Goddess of Love (Lye-lack)

Goddess of Love Kiryn (a.k.a. the Endless Passion)

Old God born from the joy & happiness Calamity felt from seeing Their creations fully experience the world for the first time. From her flow all emotions of love, passion, and longing. The tragedy of her existence lies in her absence. To lock love away nearly destroyed Calamity, and some believe Kiryn was the one member of the Old Gods Calamity couldn't bear to seal away completely. The world was darker without her, especially as the plane fell to the Dragon Tyrant. With Calamity's return, an era of rebuilding began, but without Kiryn to guide, war broke out as the plane's residents struggled with the pain & suffering they had endured for a millennia. With the return of the Old Gods, Kiryn could once again bring her love to the inhabitants of Nasza Ziemia.   Kiryn is considered by many to be one of the few Gods, New or Old, who truly loves the plane's inhabitants. She wishes the best for each of them, and will on rare occasions appear to grant wishes. She has also taken many mortals as lovers, but never under false pretense. Her love extends down to a person's very core, and she will appear to them in the form they find most pleasing.

Divine Domains

Love, Joy, Happiness, Art, Passion, Music, Sex, Romance, Longing

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Horns in Shape of Heart
Divine Classification
Old God
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Inspiring Artists
Current Location
Typically Feminine, but Varies


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