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Gods & Divines

Old Gods
The first beings to inhabit this plane. Calamity is said to have been born at the moment the plane came into being, and is considered the being from which all others originate. Imbued with cosmis power on an unbelievable scale, Calamity grew lonely on the empty plane, and so They created new life to experience the joys of the plane with Them.   These first creations were the Old Gods, primordial beings inspired by the elements of the plane, as well as the raw emotions they created in Calamity. Flourishing at first, they explored & reveled in the world around them. The problem came in the form of stagnancy; the world around them never changed, locked in place as it were, nor did any of the Old Gods. The only one aware of this was Calamity, who wished for his creations to have the gift to grow.   And so Calamity shared Time with them, and, as a result, also Change.   This blessing would turn into the undoing of the Old Gods and the 1st Age. At first overwhelmed by new experiences to embrace, in time they grew to adapt, to cherish, to bond, and then to bring their own creations into the world. Unburdened by limitations or regret, they would create beings of such unbelievable power that the plane itself was at risk. And so, with a heavy heart, Calamity sealed away the Old Gods and wiped out all life on the plane to begin anew. Thus ended the 1st Age.  
Elder Races
In the 2nd Age, Calamity learned to practice caution & restraint in Their creations. While still blessed with immortal life and great power, they were also granted wisdom to learn & to pass their learning onto others. For this reason, Honest, the God of Wisdom is believed by some to be Calamity's first new creation of the 2nd Age, as opposed to his established origin in the 3rd Age. This is not a widely held belief, and as such sphinx are not considered among the Elder Races.   First of Calamity's new creations was Ulthgar, a magnificent dragon forged of pure diamond.   Second was Gaius, a gargantuan giant capable of carrying an entire forest on his back.   Third & Fourth were Kith & Marduk, twin beings bestowed with samples of Calamity's powers of creation & destruction. They were the first angel & demon, respectively.   Fifth was Orazca, a merfolk entrusted with the secrets of the plane in her underwater realm.   Sixth & Seventh were Sylvia & Starg, the first elf & dwarf, each given the powers to craft, build, and create art.  
Dark Gods
During the Reign of the Dragon Tyrant, two Dark Gods were created to carrying out the most wicked punishments upon their slaves. Kosch, God of Curses brought madness, torture, and dozens of methods of inflicting suffering upon victims. Gein, God of Undeath, brought necromancy to the plane, allowing the Dragon Tyrant to bring back would-be martyrs as new enforcers of their cruel domination.  
New Gods
Unlike the Old Gods & Dark Gods, most of the New Gods were not created, but were mortals who ascended to divinity through actions and belief by those who followed them. First among them was Aisling, Goddess of Elves, who brought her people to the Immortal Lands to begin again. Following her was Thorin, God of Dwarves, who sheltered his people in the mountains for protection. Additional New Gods would come into being over the course of the 3rd & 4th Ages. Despite their relatively new introduction, the process of divine ascension is still not fully understood, even by those who have dedicated their lives to its study.
Scientific Name
Deux Maximus
Geographic Distribution

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