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Leland Llyons

Leland Marcus Llyons

A lifelong resident of Respite, in good weather Leland spends most of his days in fields among livestock. When animals start going missing, or crops get vandalized he usually gets a call. For some gold and a percentage of that year's pelts Leland will lie in wait for whatever creature or bandit slinks out of the dark.     During the harsher months and in-between jobs he takes on leather work projects and keeps inventory. Leland's workshop was inherited from his adoptive mothers, Nicola and Jenelle Llyons, an elderly couple who took him in at age 16. He initially began shadowing Nicola who was a cobbler by trade, supplied with materials by her ranger wife.     A few years after he moved in Jenelle disappeared while on an expedition, and her body was later discovered at the base of a ravine. Leland had found a rope secured at the edge of a sheer drop, and recognized with dread the figure below. He scaled down the rope with ease, but could not imagine his mother with her arthritic hands doing the same. Well, he could imagine the stubborn tiefling trying, and the result waited for him below. He passed a point where the rockface had been scuffed, and then further down found a familiar hunting knife wedged into the stones suggesting she had tried, and failed, to break her fall.     Leland took up her bow, and found he was rather adept at hunting. Not wanting to fall into the same predicament that buried one of his mothers, Leland decided to focus on livestock protection and hunting in his youth, with a plan to shift to selling wares and crafting in his older years.     Until that time he stores leather and completed pieces in a few warehouses across the continent. It makes travel between jobs lighter, and should one get raided prevents the loss of his whole stock. He handed off some of his spoils to Nicola, who worked until she herself passed.     After losing both his parents most of his social interactions were with farm animals, and these skills do not always translate when out in the world. He utilizes Speak with Animals to stave off boredom, get hints to what could be harming a herd, and calm spooked livestock. It doesn't always work, but there isn't much else to do some days.     Leland received a letter from Nythin and is intrigued. After years on his own he figures he could use a change of scenery and a chance to meet new folks, and heads to New Buryport.
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
6778 PDT 32 Years old
Current Residence
Leather Shop
Trans Man
Black & Gold
Short, Curly, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Skin, White Ram's Horns
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