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New Buryport (Berry-port)

A port city metropolis rebuilt after its original destruction during the first major battle of the Psychic Wars. Previously known as Buryport, it was laid to waste by the abominations of the Mind Flayer army, every structure, every field, and every house rent asunder in the rampage.   In the aftermath of the war, as a symbol for the future, the Dwarves turned the reconstruction of the port into one of the largest building projects in history. Enormous skyscrapers equipped with cutting edge technology. Thousands of homes, workshops, schools, and businesses. New public transportation that could take residents anywhere within the Dwarven cities for pocket change. Defensive armaments that could withstand a dragon assault, and arcane weaponry that could blow a Storm Giant back to Fimblvintr.   All of this has turned New Buryport into the crown jewel of Volhammer. Across the plane, this is the city that represents the heights of Dwarven achievement. Noble families, ambitious academics, and generations of hopeful inventors come here to try and make it in the big city. Success here is considered a guarantee for success anywhere. Failure means going back to the rest of the world.


Dwarves   Gnomes   Halflings

Points of interest

The Grand Inventor's Faire   Held every 15 years since the city's reconstruction was completed in 6150, it attracts the greatest inventors from all over Nasza Ziemia. Previous winners have gone on to illustrious careers, many of their inventions have become incorporated into the metropolis itself, and a clockwork statue of each of them has been erected in the public square. The statues are in honor of the first winner, who devised both a calendar, and calculated the age of Nasza Ziemia.

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