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Naackeve, the Unforgiving

The Resplendant Naackeve (a.k.a. Wrath of Ages)

Ancient Dragon allied with the Elves of Ailinglesh Wood   One of the oldest even among dragons, Naackeve still remembers the day the Elves & Dwarves first came to the Immortal Lands. She was there when Aisling & Thorin toiled to make the land suitable for their people, and used her magic to purify their tools. Alongside her mate, the four of them cultivated the corrupted continent into a prosperous garden of new life.   When Aisling was slain during the Giant's War, Naackeve chased down every Giant who took part in the deed across the entire world, and her wrath was so terrifying as to be branded upon all who saw it for the rest of their lives. No Giant has set foot upon the Immortal Lands since, nor will they as she yet draws breath.   Naackeve and her brood of metallic dragons fought against the Eldrazi abominations of the Illithids during the Psychic Wars. Being the first to face the Eldrazi, they would be the ones to discover the eldritch nature of the abominations. Naackeve was struck blind by her assault upon an Eldrazi behemoth, but her survival brought with it valuable intel. When aid was called for from other continents, some sent what they could spare, but many refused. She has not forgotten those who came to offer aide in their time of need, regardless of how small it may have been. Above all, she has never forgiven the nations who turned their back when they needed them most.   Her loyalty to the Elves has brought her into conflict with many of her kin among the Dwarves. While she has no aversion to Dwarven progess or technology, it is the breaking of ancient oaths that has earned her legendary ire.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Prefers traveling in Elven (or Dragonborn) form, curious to see who would offer assistance to a lost soul, and who would take advantage of them

Body Features

Scales of Platinum

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Has been a friend among Elves & Dwarves since the beginning, and has watched them be split apart   Lost one of her oldest friend to the Giant's War


Oathbreaking   Abandonment   Lies

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

"Naackeve's Wrath" has been described by many as "the worst possible way to die"
Lawful Good
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
1839 PDT 4971 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born into slavery under Dragon Tyrant
Current Residence
Ailinglesh Wood
Pale Gold (Blind)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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