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Odric Tepes

Patriarch Odric Tepes Scarlet (a.k.a. The Shadow Man)

Head of Clan Tepes   Born of two noble vampires, Odric's curse twisted and contorted his features, making it nearly impossible for him to go out in public for most of his unlife. His skin is white as paper, his teeth crooked and protrusive, his back crooked, and his animalistic tendencies stronger than most. Once it became clear he could never win by popularity, he chose to embrace his position. As a result, he has seen fit to live in the shadows, sharpening his mind and skills. Among the three Red Rose Clans, he is the only Clan Leader who has yet to reach Elder status.   Odric is determined to carve his place in the history books of his Clan, but has found Lavinia to be his greatest struggle. As one of the only Elders in Clan Tepes, as well as the wife of a former Rose Monarch (even a divisive one like Vlad Tepes), Lavinia, he feels, should have all the tools needed to lead the Clan, or even the Rose Kingdoms. Her crippling anxiety & introversion confound & frustrate him, as he sees her situation as lesser to his own. All attempts to negotiate or persuade her have met with failure, and Odric fears he may lose control of the Clan if he pushes her too hard. Lavinia remains the nominee for Heir of the Clan, meaning Odric must either get through to her or find a way to replace her.



59 years

Social Aptitude

Avoids social gatherings like the plague


Hides a speech impediment, prefers communication by writing, which he is considerably more articulate in
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Writing letters
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of Clan Tepes
Year of Birth
5988 PDT 822 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born of two Vampire Nobles
Current Residence
Mountaintop Sanctuary
Yellow & Sunken
Long, Black, and Wispy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Picture Nosferatu with 80's Hair
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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