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Those afflicted with vampirism are granted eternal life at the cost of an animalistic thirst for the blood of the living. They become acclimated to the night, but vulnerable to daylight & fire.   The curse spreads most successfully through Humans, but can be contracted by other races. The exceptions to this are Aasimar & Tieflings.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Must drink the blood of another vampire, which is then followed by a period of intense illness including fever, sweats, hallucination, and syncopy. Once the transformation is finished, the initial blood craving is at its strongest.

Growth Rate & Stages

Neonate (first 7-21 days)   Youngling (first 1-20 years)   Blooded (first 21-100 years)   Vampire Lord/Lady (over 500 years)   Elder Blood (over 1000 years)

Dietary Needs and Habits

Must consume blood regularly (at least once a week) to feed as well as to heal. Can survive without blood up to a month, but will become increasingly gaunt, skeletal, and feral until fed.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision (120ft)   Make Perception checks with disadvantage in daylight

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Penchant for dressing to impress
Scientific Name
Strigor Vamphyron
Conservation Status
To prevent overpopulation, Vampires are only allowed to sire others willingly, and with approval from one of the Rose Clans. Unapproved sires are treated as rogue spawn to be destroyed, along with the one performing the siring.
Geographic Distribution


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