Oshor was a country formed on the continent of Achenia after the latter split from Dunja during The First Great Turbulence.
Formation of Oshor
Even after the geographical shifts subsided, there was mass famine and lack of shelter in the region that became known as Oshor, as most of the buildings had been damaged or destroyed in the earthquakes, and there was a lack of natural resources with which to rebuild.
Local leadership had mostly dissolved during the geographical upheaval, and survivors of prior settlements formed small clans which had frequent skirmishes over the diminishing resources, which further impeded any attempts to rebuild.
Salvation seemed to be at hand when teams from
Currglass, which has sustained less damage and was recovering much faster, arrived by boat in 22 FC. They were lead by representatives from Currglass's temples to Ferai and offered food, and help with rebuilding shelters and establishing local government. The latter offer didn't materialize however. These teams did feed the populace and supply materials to help with the construction of shelters, and the construction of temples to Ferai of course. Many were happy to go along with this new faith out of sheer relief and gratitude, and few argued when the temples asked for supposably temporary powers to govern the reuniting clans. They seemed like a helpful neutral party who could soothe over the tensions that still existed between the previously warring people.
However fifteen years on, and the temple of Ferai, and the political powers that led the faith back in Currglass, were firmly in control of the now-named country of Oshor. They'd been quick to take control of local mines, stone quarries, and good farmland, for 'repayment' for their help, and now with this control over the country's main resources, they had enough power to avoid any attempt at forced removal, and most were afraid of trying to make them leave in case it led to a return. In late 37 FC, the sect announced that several of their priests had received powerful visions, commanding that one of their favoured members, Anneala Sillion, take on responsiblity for guiding Oshor into a new and prosperous future as its queen.
What resistance there was to this idea was quickly quelled by the established militia of the acolytes, and Anneala was coronated in the capital of Oshor, in a grand celebration, in early 38 FC. The Sillion Royal Family continued to hold political power in Oshor for a long time.
However fifteen years on, and the temple of Ferai, and the political powers that led the faith back in Currglass, were firmly in control of the now-named country of Oshor. They'd been quick to take control of local mines, stone quarries, and good farmland, for 'repayment' for their help, and now with this control over the country's main resources, they had enough power to avoid any attempt at forced removal, and most were afraid of trying to make them leave in case it led to a return. In late 37 FC, the sect announced that several of their priests had received powerful visions, commanding that one of their favoured members, Anneala Sillion, take on responsiblity for guiding Oshor into a new and prosperous future as its queen.
What resistance there was to this idea was quickly quelled by the established militia of the acolytes, and Anneala was coronated in the capital of Oshor, in a grand celebration, in early 38 FC. The Sillion Royal Family continued to hold political power in Oshor for a long time.