Cindersteel Scribes


  1. Shape Public Perception: The Cindersteel Scribes aim to control the narrative and shape public opinion in favor of the Order of the Burning Crown and the Pyrex Primus Emperor. Through the dissemination of carefully crafted propaganda and persuasive messaging, they seek to portray the empire in a positive light, suppress dissenting voices, and garner widespread support for imperial policies and initiatives.
  2. Preserve Imperial History: Working under the guidance of the Flameweaver, the Cindersteel Scribes are tasked with documenting and preserving the empire's history, culture, and achievements for future generations. Their goal is to create a comprehensive historical record that glorifies the triumphs of the Pyrex Primus Emperor, immortalizing his legacy and solidifying his place in history as a revered and legendary figure.
  3. Counter Enemy Propaganda: In addition to promoting imperial propaganda, the Cindersteel Scribes also focus on countering enemy propaganda and disinformation campaigns aimed at undermining the authority of the Order of the Burning Crown. Their goal is to identify and neutralize false narratives, debunk enemy lies, and uphold the integrity of the empire's reputation both domestically and abroad.


Leader: Emberblade Volcanoheart
  • Cinderquill Flamescribe
  • Ashen Scrollkeeper
  • Kaelin Renata
  • Inferno Quillflame


Broadcasting, Other


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