Order of the Burning Crown

Within the heart of the Order of the Burning Crown burns the relentless spirit of conquest and control, a symphony orchestrated by Pyrex Primus, the Emperor whose name commands both fear and reverence. At the zenith of its power, the Order stands as an indomitable force, its influence stretching far and wide like tendrils of flame licking at the heavens.   Amidst the ordered ranks of the empire's administration, there exists a thrilling and deadly spectacle that captivates the populace—the fiery contests held in grand arenas across the realm. These warriors, known as the Flamebound, rise from the ranks of skilled combatants who entertain the citizens in spectacular "Trials of Inferno."   In the crucible of conflict, the Council of the Eternal Flame, led by the Pyrodiviner, ensures the seamless execution of the Emperor's directives. This assembly of masterminds tends to the affairs of state and war with unwavering loyalty, each member contributing to the empire's governance and military strategies.   The populace, swayed by the captivating allure of the Trials of Inferno and the soothing whispers of war propaganda, kneels in subservience. They believe in the illusion of peace wrought through the spectacle of eternal conflict, each trial reinforcing the might and dominion of the Burning Crown.   Thus, the empire stands as a monument to Pyrex's vision—a realm shaped by fire and fear, where the flames of ambition burn brightly and the shadows of dissent are banished into obscurity. And amidst it all, the Burning Crown blazes atop the Emperor's brow, casting its fiery radiance upon a world engulfed in the eternal dance of war and dominion.  

Military Hierarchy

The military hierarchy of the Order of the Burning Crown, known as The Pyrolegion, is a formidable force shaped by the elemental fury of fire. Each rank and formation within the Pyrolegion embodies the empire's relentless pursuit of dominion and conquest.
  1. Emperor: Pyrex Primus (Supreme Leader of the Order)
  3. High Infernist: The highest-ranking military commander, responsible for overall strategy and command.
  5. Pyroarch: Senior generals who lead legions and oversee large-scale operations.
  7. Flamebringer: Commanders of cohorts, leading smaller groups of soldiers into battle.
  9. Firebrand: Captains who lead maniples or specialized units on the battlefield.
    Captains Met:
  11. Emberward: Sergeants who oversee squads of soldiers.
  13. Ignitor: Experienced soldiers entrusted with leadership roles in the field.

Council of the Eternal Flame

This council advises the Emperor on matters of state, war strategy, and governance. Each advisor's title reflects their specialized area of expertise within the empire's structure. This name signifies their everlasting commitment to the Order's cause and the perpetual vigilance needed to sustain the empire's fiery ambitions. Each advisor is essential to maintaining the empire's control and advancing its agenda under the guise of peace through war.    

Average Citizen's Life

In the sprawling dominion of the Order of the Burning Crown, the daily life of an average citizen is a blend of duty, devotion, and unwitting compliance. Each day begins with the rising sun casting its fiery glow upon the meticulously planned streets and grand architecture that bear the mark of imperial dominion.   Citizens awaken to the bustling sounds of markets and workshops, where artisans and laborers toil under the watchful gaze of overseers. The empire's emphasis on agriculture and hunting ensures a steady supply of food, with Venatrix, Goddess of Hunting & Agriculture, revered for bountiful harvests and successful hunts.   Amidst this daily routine, citizens partake in a curious tradition—a free brew of tea distributed by the empire's officials. This tea, known as Cinder Tea, is infused with subtle alchemical concoctions, carries a comforting warmth that soothes the spirit and clears the mind.  

Attitude Towards Death and Burial Rites

In the Order of the Burning Crown, death is viewed through the lens of reverence and ritualistic homage to the divine. The people hold a complex relationship with mortality, shaped by the teachings of Tormen, God of Death and Torture, and Sanitas, God of Life & Medicine.   When a citizen passes into the realm of shadows, a solemn ceremony unfolds—a funeral rite steeped in the symbolism of fire and transformation. The body of the departed is laid upon a funeral pyre adorned with sacred symbols representing the Imperium Divinitatis. As flames envelop the pyre, prayers are offered to Cerevin for valor in the afterlife and to Sanitas for eternal peace.   Amidst the crackling of flames, the community gathers to witness the spirit's ascent—a poignant reminder of mortality's fleeting grasp and the imperishable legacy of the Burning Crown. The ashes, remnants of a mortal coil consumed by fire, are collected and interred beneath the earth, symbolizing rebirth and renewal in the eternal cycle of existence.   This burial rite, a testament to the empire's fiery resolve and spiritual reverence, embodies the duality of life and death within the Order of the Burning Crown—a culture bound by flames and guided by the divine will of its enigmatic pantheon.  


In the Order of the Burning Crown, a strict system of justice governs the empire, with tiers of crime and corresponding punishments designed to maintain order and uphold the Emperor's authority. The severity of crimes is categorized into different tiers, each met with proportional consequences that reflect the empire's uncompromising stance on law and order.  

Tier 1: Minor Offenses

  Minor offenses in the empire, such as petty theft, public disturbance, or minor vandalism, fall under Tier 1 crimes. Offenders are typically subject to swift justice administered by local authorities or the Flamesworn Enforcers.   Punishments for Tier 1 Crimes:
  • Fines or monetary penalties
  • Public reprimand or community service
  • Temporary loss of privileges (e.g., restricted movement or curfew)

Tier 2: Moderate Offenses

Moderate offenses encompass crimes that pose a more significant threat to public order and safety, including burglary, assault resulting in minor injuries, or moderate acts of treason against the Emperor's authority.   Punishments for Tier 2 Crimes:
  • Imprisonment or forced labor in labor camps
  • Loss of citizenship rights (e.g., restricted access to certain privileges)
  • Public humiliation or branding as a mark of shame

Tier 3: Major Offenses

Major offenses constitute grave crimes that directly challenge the stability and authority of the empire, such as high treason, murder, sabotage of imperial assets, or organized rebellion against the Burning Crown.   Punishments for Tier 3 Crimes:
  • Execution by public burning or other methods (e.g., hanging or beheading)
  • Exile to remote penal colonies or condemned to serve as Flamebound in the Trials of Inferno
  • Confiscation of assets and disinheritance of family members

Tier 4: Capital Offenses

Capital offenses represent the most heinous crimes against the Order of the Burning Crown, often involving acts of sorcery, defiance of divine mandate, or conspiracy against the Emperor's divine rule.   Punishments for Tier 4 Crimes:
  • Ritualistic execution by immolation in the sacred pyres, symbolizing purification through fire
  • Total annihilation of familial lineage and eradication of all associated bloodlines
  • Eternal damnation in the eyes of The Imperium Divinitatis, denying passage to the afterlife
  The enforcement of these tiers of crime and corresponding punishments is overseen by the Ashen Arbiter and the Council of the Eternal Flame, ensuring that justice is swift, unyielding, and reflective of the Burning Crown's unwavering commitment to order and dominion. Thus, the empire stands as a bastion of law and discipline, its flames of justice burning bright to illuminate the path of righteousness and loyalty under the Emperor's divine reign.  


In the empire of the Order of the Burning Crown, guilds play a vital role in economic and social life, operating under the Emperor's authority and contributing to the empire's prosperity. Here's how guilds work and function within the empire.  

Formation and Costs

To start a guild within the empire, aspiring guildmasters must navigate a bureaucratic process overseen by imperial officials. This process involves submitting a formal proposal outlining the guild's purpose, structure, and projected contributions to the empire. Additionally, there are initiation fees and administrative costs associated with establishing a guild, which can vary depending on the scale and nature of the guild.  

Joining a Guild

Individuals seeking to join a guild must undergo an initiation process, which often includes demonstrating proficiency in a relevant craft or profession. There may be fees associated with joining, such as membership dues or initiation fees, which contribute to the guild's operational expenses and infrastructure maintenance.  

Membership Benefits

Joining a guild grants members access to various benefits, including:  
  • Skill development and training opportunities
  • Networking and collaboration with other guild members
  • Access to guild-owned workshops, tools, and resources
  • Protection and representation in legal matters related to their profession
  • Discounts on guild-produced goods and services

Discounts and Contributions

Guild members typically receive discounts on goods and services offered by their guild, ranging from modest to significant depending on the guild's policies and the nature of the transaction. The discount often incentivizes consumers to patronize guild-affiliated businesses.   In return for operating within the empire's jurisdiction and enjoying the benefits of guild membership, guilds are required to pay taxes and tariffs on their earnings and contributions. A portion of the guild's profits or production output is designated for the empire's domain, serving as revenue to support the imperial infrastructure, military, and public services.  

Imperial Oversight

The empire maintains oversight over guilds through appointed officials who ensure compliance with imperial regulations, quality standards, and tax obligations. Guilds that fail to meet these requirements risk fines, sanctions, or even dissolution.
Order of the Burning Crown Banner
Geopolitical, Empire


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