The Kraken's Maw Geographic Location in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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The Kraken's Maw

"It was a flurry of tentacles and death. Men hollered death cries as they were plucked from the decks and dragged into the beast's terrible maw. It was only with the bravery of some good men now lost that the beast was made to take a cannonball to the head. The shreaks and violent thrashings that followed left us nearyl without crew, though the creature did retreat to the depths to sulk."
-Silvin Dirtchef

Flat Waters, Lurking Terrors

Save for a single measly island, The Stranded Isle, The Kraken's Maw is completely free of land. So, when sailing it, ships have no choice but to go straight with no breaks, lest they endanger themselves unduely. The Kraken's Maw is, unsurprisingly, teeming with krakens and other sea monsters of considerable size. Sailing the waters is tantamount to suicide with how dangerous the waters are, but some do it nonetheless because, if you're lucky, this is the easiest way straight to The Kings' Sea.  

Cult of Krakens

The Krakens here have attracted a troublingly large following from a secrative cult whose members hope to one day become krakens themselves. Members of the cult are the only ones who can sail the Maw with relative safety, and they go to great lengths to ensure the region remains as dangerous to others as possible. Because they conspire with krakens, a ship of kraken cultists is often accompanied by one, which is sure to pose a serious threat to anybody they decide to confront.  

The King of Destruction

A beast of legend, The King of Destruction, makes its home in The Kraken's Maw. The King's true form is next to unknown, but anybody who is unlucky enough to encounter it will not live to tell the tale. It is rumoured that even the krakens here fear the terrible beast.


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