The Kings' Sea Geographic Location in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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The Kings' Sea

"Upon crossing The Kraken's Maw, we finally made our way to the centre of the Seas. It wasn't five minutes before a great leviathan surfaced, churning the waters around us and throwing men overboard left and right. It took every inch of our strength to destroy it, but the onslaught was far from over. From storms to monsters to far stranger occurrences. It's been two days, and now, all of a sudden we see a moment of respite and bliss. The waters are calm, the sun is shining, our pockets are full, and all seems to be well. I don't know how long this will last. The will of the sea is strange."
-Journal of Captain Rose



Easily the most dangerous among the seas, The Kings' Sea is aptly named, not because it is the seat of royalty, but because anybody able to sail it is truly a king of the seas. The sea rewards such kings with unimaginable wealth and magical items - as well as adventure around every corner and beneath every wave. For many, this is as much of an allure as the treasure itself.


The Kings' Sea is in the dead centre of the Six Seas, south of The Ocean Fangs, north of The Kraken's Maw, east of The Dread Sea, and west of The Ancient Sea. It is the smallest among the Six Seas, though also the most island-dense. In terms of climate, the sea is tropical, but is incredibly prone to both magical and natural storms.
The islands here are incredibly diverse in type. Some are rocky, many have beaches, and just as many have jungles - but more prevalent than any of those are the insane, magical islands for which the sea is infamous. Most of the islands here are strange and chaotic, bearing little resemblance to what one might expect a normal island to look, feel, sound, or smell like. You never know what you're getting here.

Inhabitants of the Kings' Sea

It is unknown is there are any permanate humanoid inhabitants of the Kings' Sea. Because it is so volatile, it is nigh inhospitable, even to skilled sailors. Lest somebody discovers a tucked away safe spot, it will likely remain that way.
The Seven Legends of the Kings' Sea
Seven mythic creatures prowl the Kings' Sea, some out for blood, some for gold, some for the joy of battle, and others for reasons less known. They are among the most formidable foes to be found on The Six Seas, and one would be a fool to challenge any of them. Few have lived to tell the tale.

Known Locations

The Trumpet (of Kings)
An island from which a worthy individual can project their voice for all of The Six Seas to hear. Home to The Trumpeter. The location of this island is unknown, and it's speculated that it only appears at certain times or for certain people.
Isle of the Armed Dragon
Home to Bargathox, The Armed Dragon. The island was supposedly once a jungle, but it was chopped down by the dragon to make a better field for fighting. The island's location is unknown.
The seat of a kraken cult, this island is positioned just north of The Kraken's Maw.
Characters in Location


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