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Vanessa Marsh

the future-human candy baroness of the detroit sector

Vanessa takes a sharp breath, instantly setting her throat and lung a blaze. A violent shock of pain rocked her the next moment, then the ever same chaos barely contained by the walls of her appartment stare back at her. Like the unruly mess of blankets and pillows, she sits unmoving and slumped over in her bed. What the fuck happend yesterday? Thick, dingy air fills the room and sit heavy in her lung. Dry coughs break the silence and dig up the smokey bitter taste of cigarettes in her mouth. A pounding headache slowly creeps up, banging to the imaginary rythm of a nova-hot techno set blasting from an equally imaginary subwoofer...
Continue Reading: The ever same morning (Vanessa Marsh [20], 2117)

Show Table of Contents
Physical Characteristics
[1.1] Body Features
[1.2] Identifying Characteristics
[1.3] Physical Quirks
[1.4] Apparel & Accessories
[1.5] -
[1.6] -
[1.7] -
Find out what Vanessa looks like.
Mental Characteristics
[2.1] Accomplishments
[2.2] Failures
[2.3] Mental Trauma
[2.4] Morality & Philosophy
[2.5] -
Take a deep dive into Vanessa's mind.
Personality Characteristics
[3.1] Likes & Dislikes
[3.2] Hobbies
[3.3] Vices & Personality flaws
[3.4] -
[3.5] -
Meet Vanessa and get to know her: What she likes and dislikes, what she does in her free time, what she is like and the things she'd prefer you didn't know.
[4.1] Contacts & Relations
[4.2] Savvies & Ineptitudes
[4.3] Social Aptitude
[4.4] Wealth & Financial state
[4.5] Assets
A lost soul of the 22nd century and a mysterious figure among the shadows of Detroit. Once an unfullfiled child from and slowly dissolving family struggling to make ends meet, Vanessa has moved rapidly from her troubbled teenage life riddled with petty crimes and minior offences to ultimately abandoning her familiy entirely and becoming carriere criminal sworn to the syndicate.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cisgender woman


Bisexual Kinsey scale: 4


Vanessa Marsh

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Melissa Alano



Melissa Alano

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Vanessa Marsh



Nicknames & Petnames

Beauty, Beautiful, Dear, Honey, Hottie, Love, Sexy, Sweety, Treasure, Treat
Vanessa's Nicknames
BTH, Dragon Lady, Eye Candy, Fierce One, Girl of tomorrow, Little Vampire, Ms. Candy, 'Ness, 'Nessa, Nessi, Sex Kitten, Symbi's Host, V, Vampy, Vex, Vexi
Melissa's Nicknames
Little Witch, 'Liss, 'Lissa, 'Lissi, Love Sorceress, M, Mel, Meli, Mellow, Ms. Magic, MTH, My Posion, PYT, Snake Lady, Vitamin M, Witchi

Date of Birth
9th of October
Year of Birth
2096 30 Years old
Detroit Medical Center
Current Residence
Great Lakes Megalopolis Detroit Sector
Muddy brown, reminicent of an owl, often bloodshoot.
Long, with electrochromatic streaks, usually styled, naturaly a deep mahogany brown, however regularly dyed differntly.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unhealthy pale and colorless white, silky yet cold to touch, porcelain-like but worn.
168 cm
45,4 Kg 17.7 BMI (adjusted)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Native English
Fluent German
Conversational Itallian
Conversational Japanese
Conversational Spanish
Basic Russian
Vanessa is also fluent in the Great Lakes Megalopolis street lingo, the handsigns of the scene and knows a lot of local gang handsigns. Vanessa has also been initiated into the codes and signs of the Dragon Tear Syndicate.
Appears in...
Quote about Mel
— Vanessa

Physical Characteristics

Vanessa is a young highly attractive woman of very slim physique and obvious model qualities. Long, expertly styled and regularly dyed hair as well as electrochromatic fiber optic streaks flow from her head and are well groomed. She has porcelain-like skin of colorless white, decorated with multiple very intricate tattoos and piercings of which many betray her transhumanist inclinations.   + Underweight + hourglass figure + Chromatic enhancements + elaborate on skin(pale) + fashion & style

Body features

Biological Sex
Body Type
Hourglass and Spoon
Weight & Body Mass Index (BMI)
45,4Kg; 17,7(adj.) BMI Underweight (Mild Thinness)
Body Fat & Category
14.8%; Athletes (Bodering Essential)
Mesurements & Waist-hip ratio (WHR)
76cm - 53cm - 84cm; 0,63 WHR
Vanessa's iris naturaly harbours a muddy blend of loam brown and tan swirls with the ocasional granite grey streaks and are sprinkled with bronze speckles. The few bottle green flecks hardly pose a contrast contrast to the rest of her brown iris. However since the installation of the CyDoll ChromaMax Eyes, Vanessa can electrochromaticly alter her iris to a plethora of colors and designs far beyond regular human possibilites whenever she pleases.

Her eyes are framed nicely by lush eyelashes, rivaling those of make-up models.

Like the eyes of an owl, Vanessa's eyes are observant, predatorial and either have an inquring gaze or glare viciously. Both, but especially the latter, is emphazied by Vanessa's fierce eyebrows.

Often her eyes are bloodshot, pupils the size of pinheads or covering nearly all of her iris and the bloodvessels jutting clearly visible along her sclera like carmine lightnings. This is because of varrious reasons regularly in Vanessa's life: Sleep deprivation, drugs, hangovers and sometimes a little brawl. Her eyelids are usualy heavy and dark for the same reasons.

Physical Afflictions & Conditions



Type S2
Meta Holistic Integrity (MHI)
Style of Augmentation
Subtle, aside from cosmetic augmentations
Augmentation Legality
Unlicenced restricted & illegal augmentations
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
Yes 3 Chipslots, 1 Cableport, 1 Universal Connector
Implated Communications
Yes Full civilian suite
Weapon Modules
Cosmetic Augmentations
5 3 Cybernetic, 2 Biological
Cybernetic Augmentations
11 (14) 1 Black, 1 Blue, 3 White, 6 Yellow & (3 Cosmetic)
Biological Augmentations
7 (9) 1 Symbiont, 6 Yellow & (2 Cosmetic)
Genetic Augmentations
2 2 Yellow
Nanomechanic Augmentations

Cybernetic augmentations
◂Breaking the shackels of her flesh▸

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Vanessa's standard BCI-chipslot configuration
:// Keltronik-Sekretär-Gold-M5
The Sekretär Gold Model 5 is the fifth itteration of Keltronik's premium 'personal assistant on a chip' line. Equiped with the latest organisation subroutines, advanced data-search algorithims and a bachelor's degree worth of mathematics, it renders a PDA and a secretary redundant.
:// ApexSportsVital-Squire-H2H (!)
The Squire is a sub-persona AI trained on countless hours of hand-to-hand combat data working in conjunction with sophisticated body-tracking software and a vast data libary containing several different martial arts and combat sports. The chip predicts combative actions of Vanessa's opponent(s), highlights thier vurnablites and assists Vanessa to carry out highly complex and precise physical acts of her own.
:// Empty
Vanessa usualy keeps this chipslot empty to be able to quickly slot a chip at any time.
Read more about Vanessa's chip use and abuse.
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Signalmaster CM311 Access
Port/Slot-Dual BCI Module (Modified)
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 2112 (!) 0.08
A Cranial Module equipped with a SuperHigh-Speed BCI capable Universal-Port and three auxillary chip slots located at the right backside of Vanessa's head. Both are also linked to a compact data drive and nano processor to assist any operations. The port and the slots are packaged elegantly with fashionable black brushed-plasteel fixures and personalized syth-skin covers which cover the port and chip slots automaticly and seamlessly while they are not in use.

Signalmaster Integral Comm-Hub L
Full Communications Suite
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 2114 0.16
The Integral Comm-Hub L by Signalmaster is a full communications suite that allows Vanessa to transmit and recive messages without the need of any additional physical devices, although the suite can work in conjuction or be supplimented with a number of traditional communication devices. Vanessa's Comm-Hub is decentralized across to multiple modules:
  • The two cochlear implants of the Package sends incoming audio transmissions directly into Vanessa's inner ear, eliminating the need for headphones or earpieces.
  • A set of microprobes placed on the vocal folds allow her to discretely subvocalize messages in frequencies beyond the normal range of human hearing.
  • Three retractable micro antenne in black anodized aluminium optic along the top back of the helix of each ear, for a total of six antenne. These use encryped tight-band microwave signals when sending and receiving, provide Vanessa with superior communication qualities.

Goliath-Tech Interogator MK.II
Social Optimization Suite
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Blue 2120 0.08
The Interogator MK.II by Goliath-Tech's cybernetic division is an advanced social optiziation suite reserved for law enforcement and military applications and allows Vanessa to dominate conversation through chemical manipulation and strategic speechcraft.
  • The central module of the suite is a small social co-processor chip in Wernicke's area of Vanessa's brain that analyzes the behavior patterns of conversation subjects and distributes gathered psychological information the sub augmentations of the suite.
  • Working in tandem with Vanessa's (optical implant), the optical polygraph chip in Vanessa's visual cortext assembles a rudimentary psychological profile based on facial expression, body language, and environmental cues, providing Vanessa with various tools and strategies to help manipulate and persuade subjects during social interactions.
  • The Dialectic Enhancer is a tripple chip module that is situated in Borca's area and both amygdalae, that parse the information gathered via the social co-processor and optical polygraph and provides recommendations to Vanessa regarding ongoing social interactions. The Enhancer also proposes rhetorical interjections and prompts her to insert them into the flow of conversation during strategically valuable intervals.

Novatech Ultra Synaptique
Reflex Booster
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 2117 0.08
Essentially a supercharger for Vanessa's nervous system, Novatech's Ultra Synaptique allows her to execute quicker, more impressive feats of strength and dexterity.
  • The Ultra Synaptique is a tiny apperatus sitting at Vanessa's brainstem with hairfine bioelectric tendris running along her spine and interfacing with her sympathetic nervous system, several cranial and spinal nerves as well as her motor cortex.
  • When the booster is active bursts of norepinephrine and acetylcholine flood the motor cortex, heightening reflexes and enables rapid learning and re-learning of motor reflexes, along with increased mental focus.
Civilian varriants (like this one) are quite popular with athletes and physical performers, however more sophisticated reflex boosters are restricted to military personnel only.

Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Black (!)

ApexMedical WardenRX-720°HS
Health System
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
White 2121 0.08
The WardenRX-720°Health System by ApexMedical is a massive and elegant cybernetic augmentation made up of numerous units distributed throughout Vanessa's body.
  • Miniscule sensors and probes throughout Vanessa's body at every vital organ and key locations constantly messure and provide accurate biomedical data and advanced diagnostics in real time. The sensors also have capablities for basic blood screening to detect harmful compunds, nutritional deficites and some illnesses.
  • A central health monitor unit analizes the biomedical data it is fed, tracks Vanessa's medical condition and triggers alerts and/or secondary modules when it registers critical damage through internal or external trauma.
  • A cardioverter defibrillator, implanted directly in the sinoatrial node is capable of restarting Vanessa's heart. The defibrillator system also performs double duty as a tissue stimulator. In the event of injury, the defibrillator can emit 50 millivolt doses of bioelectricity to stimulate the production of neutrophils and macrophages, encouraging and speeding natural healing processes of Vanessa's body.

ApexMedical InstaInjector Plus
Implanted Auto-Injector System
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
White 2117 0.16
The ApexMedical InstaInjecor Plus is a medical grade auto-injector system implated in Vanessa's upper right thigh with discrete personalized synth-skin access stud. The Plus varriant of the system has an expanded storage unit, operating on a revolving five chamber design housing interchangeable polymer vials containing injection solutions. With command or automaticaly at preset conditions a solution can be injected needleless via high pressure valve directly into the major thigh artery. The system can be easily refilled or reconfigured by ejecting any unwanted vials and slotting new vials.

ApexMedical Name
Gastric Stimulation Trodes
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
White 2121 0.16

Smart Ocular Upgrade
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 2114 0.1
Sometimes called 'the half cybernetic eye', the . replaces Vanessa's retinas for microphotodiode arrays with a synthetic neural tissue spike connected to her optic nerves. A microthin base coating and an optical membrane implant layered onto the inside of Vanessa's eyes is capable of projecting digital information directly on the enhanced retina.
  • The . comes with an optoelectronic retinal heads-up display that allows digital information to be directly displayed over Vanessa's vision.
  • . takes advantage of the inherent self-preservation abilities of the eyes and automaticaly deploy a flash damper, which prevents temporary or permanent blindness from all harsh light.
  • The microphotodiode arrays possess four independent channels for conveying color information, ranging from 300nm to 700nm wavelengths along the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing Vanessa to see within the UV spectrum and making her a tetrachromat.

Arcane Acoustics Name
Inner Ear Upgrade
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 2116 0.08
Audiofusion ZenMotion

Jump Booster
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 2119 0.16
  • Vanessa's legs have been fitted with springs of hybrid memory metal. This allows Vanessa to perfom such incredible feats as standing high jumps of up to three meters.
  • Shock-absorbing gel matrices on Vanessa's knee joints and hips mitigate the impact of such jumps.
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Biological Augmentations
◂Vanessa's take on nature - laboratory grown and optimized▸

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Vanessa's friend within
Named "Symbi" by Vanessa, it is a medical grade digestion endosymbiont vat-grown in an ApexMedical labotary. Symbi sits comfortably attached to Vanessa's large intestine and feeds off her waste material, converting it to assorted proteins that Symbi lives off and shares with Vanessa. Basically Symbi acts as a second stomach for Vanessa, wringing more efficient digestion out of food and allows Vanessa to make more with less. Water is a forte of Symbi, allowing Vanessa to survive twice as long without it.
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Elastic joints & enhanced articulation
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.24
Vanessa had all major joint-surfaces in her body coated with a super slik bioceramic, all her joints lubricated as well as tendons and ligaments replaced for specialy cultured super elastic varriants, making her much more flexible and her motions very fluid. By also reducing the level of neuro-connection, Vanessa can easily deform her joints without any pain and easily restore them to thier orginal location, allowing for excessive contortions whenever she pleases.

Enhanced muscle elasticity
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.3
Vat-grown hyper elastic muscle fiber have been grafted into and completly inverwoven with Vanessa's muscle tissue. Thereby she has greatly increased her muscle tension and flexibilty, while also giving her a graceful smooth and slim physique.

Evo-Systems Neo-Lungs
Enhanced Lungs
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.3
  • The Neo-Alveoli of Vanessa's Neo-Lungs have a much higher elasticity and twice the tidal volume compared to regular lungs.
  • Via reeinforcement of Vanessa's diaphram she can optimaily use the gained tidal volume, thus improving her oxygen/carbon exchange rate which massively boosts her athletic endurance.
  • At the top of the Neo-Trachea an organic filter absorbs airborne impurities and prevents them from reaching Vanessa's Lungs.

Tailored Phermone Glands
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.1

Skin pockets
Biological smuggeling compartments
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.05
A quasi invisible and highly discrete skin flap is located on the inside of both of Vanessa's arms, near her armpits. These nerveless sheathes of flesh are perfect for hiding small items, making them the equivalent of human smuggling compartments.

Evo-Systems Neo-Kidneys
Enhanced Kidneys
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.3
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Genenetic Augmentations
◂Playing with the building blocks of her life▸


Evo-Systems Neo-EPO
Enhanced Red Blood Cell Production
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.1
Regular Eythropoetin (EPO) is a hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells. NeoEPO increases oxygen retention and athletic endurance by insuring a constant supply of oxygen.

Evo-Systems Light Bone
Skeletal Pneumaticity
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.2
The avian gene sequences that cause the formation of hollow bones have been spliced into Vanessa's genome. These hollow bones are nearly as strong yet much lighter than the normal skeleton, therefore this modification is extremely popular with dancers and gymnasts.

Identifying Characteristics

Body Modifications and Piercings

Vampire Fangs
Solely for cosmetic reasons, Vanessa had her maxillary canines replaced for long, vampire-like fangs made of bioceramic. The fangs, while requireing a modicum of adjustment, pose no hinderence in everyday life and are fully capeable of piercing deep into and tearing flesh. Yet they impractical as a weapon due to human anatomy but give Vanessa a wicked grin and falsely explain her pale skin.
Dyed Hair
Thermosensitive color dyes, metallic dyes and other exotic styles are right up Vanessa's alley and she loves to enhance her style with them. Vanessa regularly dyes her hair to match her outfits and spice up hairstyles. She rather rarely has a haircolor for more than a few weeks but to see her with her natural haircolor is not that uncommon, although likely she'll have some form of colored acent.
Shortend Ribs
Vanessa had her free floating ribs surgically shortend to further articulate her hourglass apperance. This also drastically increases by how much she is able to contort and bend herself, which synergizes quite well with her heavily augmentated flexibility.
Corset Piercing
Along Vanessa's back, on either side of her spine she has six titanium PVD black coated rings for a total of twelve piercings. Each ring is placed 4.5cm off the center of her spine and 6cm below the prior ring, starting just below her shoulder blades. Vanessa owns a large assortment of silk, velvet and satin ribbons, ranging from plain colors to exotic designs and electrochromatic elements, to lace her back with.
Naval Piercing
Vanessa's skinny belly is ornamented with a narval piercing, for which she owns jewlery matching to a all of her outfits. Usually she wears a curved barbell with some form of dangeling pendant. One of her favorite (and also by far her most expensive at roughly 23.000₡) pieces is a 3-part cyber-esque platinum pendant by Z(E)N-Jewlery, set with a high grade 0.5 carat ruby in each part.
+ Ear Rings (2/3 each?) + Lip Piercing

Cosmetic Augmentations

True to her transhumanist world-view, Vanessa is augmented with a few purely cosmetic cybernetics.

CyDoll ChromaMax Sync-Hub
Cosmetic Customization Manager Module
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.05

CyDoll ChromaMax Hair
Color Changing Hairanalouge
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.1
The CyDoll ChromaMax Hair is a high quality hair replacement of optoelectronic fibers. Whenever Vanessa feels like it, she is capable of changing color of her hair, be it a switch from blonde to black or to glowing neon-pink and everything inbetween. The fibers are silky to the touch and have self-cleaning and quick-drying properties due to the lotus effect, achieved by a ultrahydrophobic surface with nanoscopic structure.

CyDoll ChromaMax Eyes
Color Changing Iris Membranes
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.1
The ChromaMax Eyes by CyDoll are optoelectronic membranes spanning Vanessa's iris. They allow her to change the apperance of her iris vastly beyond human limitations at a whim. Regular iris in any color, geometric patters (stars are hearts are classics) and also colorfuly glowing eyes all come preloaded. However new designs can be created easily and are mostly limited by imagination, a feature Vanessa avidly takes advantage of.

CyDoll ChromaMax Nails
Color Changing Nail Membranes
Mini Text

Type Installed MbHI Impact
Yellow 0.05
The CyDoll ChromaMax Nails are optoelectronic membranes on both Vanessa's finger- and toenailbeds.

◂Vanessa's Soul inked into her skin▸

Unlike the corporate drones, Vanessa is not a light poser and exclusively has real tattoos decorating her body and wears them proudly. She uses the ink under her skin and the modified pigments to express who she is and what her beliefs are, so natuarlly every tattoo has a strong personal meaning to her. She has been extensively involved in the design process of all of her pieces and even made the initial sketches herself.
Quote about Vanessa's Tattoos
Tripple Helix & Armor Tiles
A bio-luminecent tripple helix wraps arround Vanessa's left upper arm. The tripple helix itself is backed by thermosensitve pigments which dimly glow red when her body temperature is elevated. The hybrid-tattoo integrates seamlessly into a highly symetrical sleave tattoo covering her left shoulder, upper arm and spilling onto her forearm with neatly spaced hexagons interlaced with irregularly running electirc circut lanes. The hexagons shimmer with titan-gray metallic ink and are detailed to look like indvidual tiles of armor plateing. The electric circut lanes jutting inbetween the hexagons share the red bio-luminecent properties of the tripple helix, although more faint.

Musical Notes
Two music notes decorate Vanessa's right ankle and another three her right shoulder blade, all of them inked in a crisp black. Beneath all notes are highly customizeable subdermal LED arrays, capable of displaying solid colour, both flashy or elegant designs or synced directly with music.

On the inside of Vanessa's left forearm she has a ECG wave starting in a heart near her elbow pit. After the heart in black ink an subdermal array of LEDs starts, which defaults to a stationary ECG wave that continues up until her wrist. Durring parties Vanessa often displays her actual ECG wave, as messured by her WardenRX-720°HS, in an approprite color scheme, though the LEDs can display whatever she wants. Should the WardenRX-720°HS detect medical issues the tattoo also activates displaying her ECG wave, in addition a LED in the center of the heart lights up or starts flashing in a color depending on the severity.
Black Lotus
Vanessa's entire left shoulder blade is graced by an extremely elegant and sleek jet black lotous flower. The sheer ammount of detail and finesse make the tattoo photorealistic and give the impression when view head on as if a lotus would actually grow on her back.

Eastern Cyber-Dragon
A beautiful intricate hybrid-tattoo of a cyberneticaly enhanced eastern dragon some hues darker than Vanessa's pale skin windes up her left leg, over her hip and has his head on the leftside of her lower back with a wide open maw, flashing it's metal-teeth. The individual scales and the cybernetic eye of the dragon are filled with thermosensitive bio-luminecent pigments and like the tripple helix on her shoulder, they only glow faintly red while Vanessa's body temperature is elevated. An inordinate ammount effort has gone into all aspects of the tattoo yet as a whole it remains relativiely subtle despite it's size, even when it glows.

Japanese Calligraphy
Below her black lotus tattoo on her left shoulderblade, along the entire left of her back and ending just above the snout of her cyber-dragon tattoo, Vanessa has japanese calligraphy in a crisp kaisho style. It runs parallel to the coreset percing and says “To live life to the full every moment”. It is tattooed in the same black ink of the lotus and fades out from top to bottom to match the hue of the cyber-dragon further down her back.

Biological Hazard
High on Vanessa's right hip the international biohazard symbol strikes one's eye.
UV Cyber-Circuits
All over Vanessa's body run geometric lines reminisecent of circuit board which are tattooed in ink that is only visible when directly under UV light, revealing it with a red-ish pink glow. The lines either follow or pronounce shapes and curves as dictated by her body and when visible give Vanessa's apperance a robotic touch. This tattoo is also suppliments some of Vanessa's other tattoos by adding UV elements.

Along the side of Vanessa's upper right arm, starting at her shoulder and ending just over her elbow, thick bold letters in a hard german fraktur front in traditional black ink spell out Samurai.

A stylized cobweb, a couple hues darker than Vannesa's skin, spans over the lower right side of her neck, starting nearly at her collar bone and has it's apex at the right edge of her jaw. The cobweb is fashioned to resemble lanes on an circuit board and is accented by other elements common on .

Underneath Vanessa's right arm, on her ribcage just below her armpit "A(IV)Rh+" denotes her bloodtype, "S2(BC)" her biocompatiblity and "NKA" that she has no known alergies. All three are written in a futuristic font, though are easily readable at a glance never the less.
Here is going to be text. (Tattoo meaning)   When partying Vanessa sometimes likes to apply designs such as tribal or geometric patterns with medical-grade, water-resistant novocain gel to her body, carefuly working with her existing tattoos to integrate them for maximal aesthetic effect. Vanessa does this for the odd sensory experience of losing tactile sensitivity of covered areas while also further refineing her style. She usually sticks with black, flourecent colors in the red spectrum or colors that go well with her UV lines, of course all depending on the event and occasion. Due to Vanessa's extensive augmentations to her flexibility she is able to paint large and complex motives all over her body with the gel by herself without any help. However Vanessa also likes to do this 'night-prep' with her girlfriends.

Old Wounds

One and a half decads on the harsh streets and in the unforgiving underground of Detroit has left thier marks on Vanessa.
How many else want me dead?
— Vanessa while reciving emergency care for a several knife wounds.
Here is going to be text.
Story Title
I've been shot multiple times, once I caught four bullets of an assault rifle. Chewed up by K-9 Units. In jail, I've been stabbed with the biggest knife in the kitchen. I'm still here, that's part of why people call me Vex.
— Vanessa
Gunshot Wounds
Despite three surgeries, including a reconstructive surgery, four fleshy dimples remain on Vanessa's right hip and lower abdomen with four matching dimples on her back where the burst of rifle rounds exited.

Stab Scars
Although the skin on Vanessa's belly appears smooth on the surface due to skin grafts, scattered immediately beneath it are over twenty hard formations of fiberous tissue from bladewounds. They have various sizes and range from small noudles from needle-like weapons to long ridges from nasty combat knife slashes. While they are bearly visibile, all of them are obvious to the touch.

Needlestick Marks
On both of Vanessa's arms, especially near her elbowpits are dozens of tiny scars dotted all over caused by needlestick injurys due Vanessa's recreational use of injection drugs before she had an implated autoinjector.

Apparel & Accessories

Left Content
Favorite Clothing Brands
► High-end urban & club wear
Dark and futuristic designs usually with integrated music technology and a few snazzy light elements. Novahot among more hardcore techno clubs.

► Designer club wear
Technological elegance defined by minimalist apperance and a neigh black color palet. Trend setting blends of tech and clothing with a price tag to match.

Onyx Collective
► High-end urban wear
► Sports wear
Sleek, sporty and fashionable. Yet highly comfortable and lightweight sports clothing, utilizing advanced materials for peak performence.

Epoch Gear
► Practical urban & casual wear
"Tough and gruff" is the tagline for thier sturdy everyday wear. Dominated by synthleather jackets and boots in numerous varriations.

► Evening wear & jewlery
Below Box

Mental characteristics


Candy Courier

Vanessa's Street Courier Gear
OC Urban Ninja Suit Pro
A skin-thight jumpsuit in dark gray colors and grey digital camouflage patterns made from a breathable, moisture-wicking polyacrylonitrile/elastane blend weave. Lightweight densiplast armor pannels backed by shock absorbing memory foam protect vital areas. This pro-version is OC's armored courier special of the freeruning Urban Ninja line.
OC Urban Ninja Tabiboots Pro
ASP Gecko-Grip Gloves
ASP Atlas Jacket
The lightweight construction of ASP's Atlas Jacket consists of a para-aramid weave bonded to a polyester backer with a durable micropore fluoropolymer membrane finish, to withstand even serious urban acid rain while retaining breathablity. It has articulated sleeves and side body panels, for full range of motion and discrete chest pockets.
FA-P20SCS Ghost
Hidden in a horizontal shoulder holster beneath her jacket, Vanessa has the P20SCS and two additional 10-round magazines at the ready. The ghost is subcompact slim-frame pistol by Firetronic Arms designed for concealed carry. Built on a lightweight polymer frame and a smartsteel match-grade barrel, it is accurate and reliable.
EG HPSP15 (modified)
Absoultly tear and water resistant, the Epoch Gear High-Performance Sling Pack holds 15L of cargo and features a covert pocket at the rear sized for a sidearm, a coms pockets at the shoulder, a pocket built for a 1.5 liter hydration bladder. Vanessa had a sensorshielded and chemicaly sealed smuggeling compartment added.
FA-CPDW5C Phantom
Firetronic Arms collapsible personal defence weapon is able to fold up into a innocuous-looking box when the magazine is removed, which fits into the covert sidearm pocket of Vanessa's backpack. Able to flip into combat mode with the press of a single button and spit 20 rounds per second in full-automatic mode.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Big Scores


Failures & Embarrassments

Records on File

Should I get caught, i'll share the rest of my life with a clock in an empty two square meter isolation cell.
Access Vanessa's Criminal Record
> LOGIN: ●●●●●●●●●●
> PASSWORD: ●●●●●●●●●●
Criminal Information Summary: Vanessa Marsh
WANTED! (See outstanding arrest warrant)
Date Charge
View full criminal information on Vanessa Marsh

Mental Trauma

The night kisses me awake with a bitter sweet asphalt taste, uncertainty pulled me from my sleep. Peacefuly you still lay asleep under the moonlight, carefully I cover you with a blanket and softly close the door. Outside I see colourful lights fly, they seem similar to me because they lose themselfs on the streets. Cold drizzle rain oozes into my scared soul. Never will I return and lay by your side again because I am too stirred up on my own mental ocean bottom. I only follow the mood-lifting neonlight and where my path leads me tonight only the future knows. I live by my instincts until the emptiness inside me subssides for the briefest of moments. Glaringly bright and lonely is the subwaystation where I meet all the other ghosts who didn't find thier grave. Broken depature displays and tagged walls, but a ticket that brings me to the place where milk and honey flows, maybe, i don't know, but possibly... otherwise we're together alone again tonight... me and the loneliness.
- Vanessa on loneliness

Attempts on her life




Blood on her hands


Morality & Philosophy

You're better off rich and guilty than poor and innocent.
— Vanessa


As member of the Dragon Tear Syndicate and the leader of the detroit sector drug operation, Vanessa lives strictly by the code of the syndicate, called the red tear of the dragon or red tear for short. The red tear is a collection of oaths, regulates the conduct and dictates obligations of syndicates members.
Because of Vanessa's adherence to the code she'll never talk to the authorities even if it means getting locked up for a crime she didn't commit. Natuarly Vanessa also won't call the authorities if she is accosted, mugged or robbed, she'll either suck it up in silence or more likely carry out the oath of revenge. If she get's accused of a crime, she won't say a single word in her defence. If she then is convicted and has to serve a sentence for a crime of another syndicate member will do the time without even blinking an eye. Rest assured for her adherence to the code, Vanessa will be taken good care of in prison, pampered even as long as she stays true to the oath of silence of the Dragon Tear Syndicate and embraced once she gets out.
Due to the oath of revenge Vanessa is obligated to seek revenge for harm done against herself or the syndicate. Ideally revenge is delivered personaly and swiftly. Should a fellow syndicate member or syndicate associate be harmed and is weakend, incarcerated or otherwise not able to carry out an act of revenge, they may seek out a Vanessa to inflict justice on thier behalf. Because of Vanessa's rank within the Dragon Tear Syndicate she also is responsible for anyone under her command ensureing that no harm upon them goes unpunished and has done so on multiple occaisons. In fact Vanessa has a reputation to deliver harsh justice and clear messages. Although Vanessa also has profited from the network of favors formed by this practice.

◂Surpassing the limitations of humanity by any means▸


Personality Characteristics


Likes & Dislikes

Music Junkie

Favorite genres
► Techno Dystopia
► NeoHardtek
► Witch House
► Psy-Noise
► NeoElectronic
► Cyber Techno
► Hyper Industrial
► Dark Tekno
► Glitch Goa
► Psyelectric
► Future Cyber
► Neon Gabba
► Dark Noise
Credit: Resist Your Enemy [ISMVA002.1] by B2
I'd rather die raving
— Vanessa [19]


Neurochip Habits

Vanessa frequently likes to slot sleep-chips and antistress-chips.  





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Game Mode Global Rank Rating Statistics
All Stars 1245. Diamond 355 Wins / 736 Top10
Dance Royal 2310. Diamond 136 Wins / 451 Top10
Elimination 803. 2309(Elo) 1047 W / 324 L (3.23W/L)
Solo Battle 519. 2552(Elo) 3472 W / 625 L (5.55W/L)
Solo Battle (Extreme) 742. 2485(Elo) 2639 W / 847 L (3.11W/L)

Parkour & Freerunning

Here is going to be text.
— Vanessa


When Vanessa is not on social media she often plays games, usually while waiting for something.

Martial Arts


Vices & Personality flaws

Criminal Energy

The law, or many rules in general for that matter, and Vanessa just can't seem to get along.

Mindbenders & Addiction

For Vanessa there is a 'tool' (read: drug) for every situation.
We have two liter-bags of weed, sventyfive balls of mescalin, five A4 sheets of whicked LSD, a rock the size of my fist of cocaine, a colorful rainbow of uppers, downers and other happy pills, six bottles of Vodka, two chests of beer, half a liter of ether, two dozen poppers and like fivehunderd capsules of nitrous oxide.
— Vanessa and her Crew prepareing for a weekend.
My white powder - the evil dust. Been awake yesterday and am today, will be tomorrow and the day after, six days minimum.
— Vanessa
Reality+ Chips


Poker + Social Implants

Party Girl

A novahot Club, the thrill of the night, mercilessly booming speakers and the rush of a bloodstream full of pseudomethamphetamine derivatives is Vanessa's recipe to escape reality.
It's thursday already, I should go home...
— Vanessa, partying since friday evening

Social Life

1d6 \ 1d4
1 Slaughterhouse 2 Heptagram Lodge 3 NOVA!-Club 4 r3z0n4nc3



connect: Wa8w3r6wcgxFO2hGrqPC/1p0mk.haven

Contacts & Relations

Vannessa knows the street gangs, the criminal operations, and the beneath-the-surface affiliations that are the social and political fabric of Detroit inside out. Over the years she has built up long-lasting relationships with a fair share of influencial people and usually has one or two favors to call upon.
Busniss Contacts
Vex - allways in the sector packin' candy, 24/7 available.
— Vanessa [23], when she was still dealing
Private Contacts
Melissa Alano
► Girlfriend
Vanessa's Identities
Vanessa Marsh
► Actual Identity
► Criminal ACU National ID
► Online Username
► Mostly for legitimate purposes
► Street Name
► Solid Reputation & Ranking Syndicate Member
Alternate Identities
Vivian Porter
► Primary Identity (Private)
► Tailored Fake ACU National ID
Vallerie Hunter
► Secondary Identity (Go Out)
► Tailored Fake ACU National ID
Saskia Buchner
► "Plan G" Bug Out Identity
► Tailored Fake AEN National ID
Nakanishi Ayame
► "Plan J" Bug Out Identity
► Tailored Fake IJS National ID
Leyla Booker
► Burner Identity
► Stolen ACU National ID
Alexandra Howard
► Burner Identity
► Stolen Corporate Limited ID

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Chemical Fascination

Mindbenders of all sorts are Vanessa's thing. Eventhough she is lacking a scientifc understanding of chemistry, Vanessa is well versed and always up to date on the drugs that pump through the veins of the world. She is able to draw from an immense pool knowledge, covering even many obsucre and nieche topics, that she amassed in the decade she has so far spent being extensively involved in the scene and being an addict herself.

Social Aptitude

Vanessa slides easily into new environments, situations, groups, and jobs. She knows how to make an entrance and make that first meeting the best meeting. Her wit, charm, and subtle flattery puts everyone she meets off their guard. Whether infiltrating a gang, making contacts in a new city, or wrangling an invite to a private meet, she has the silver tounge and acting talent to make it work.
To get Vanessa to honestly open up, you need a crowbar.
— Brian, her brother

Wealth & Financial state



Cover image: by Luk98
  • 2096

    9 /10 04:00

    Birth of Vanessa Marsh
    Life, Birth

    Vanessa is born in the Detroit Medical Center at 4:35 on the 9th of October 2096 in the year of the fire dragon.

  • 2113

    20 /3

    20 /9

    Vanessa is in jail
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    At 16 years old Vanessa serves a 6 months sentence in juvenile detention facility.

  • 2117

    16 /3 03:00

    The ever same morning...
    Life, Identity

    More reading
    The ever same morning
  • 2117

    16 /4 23:00

    Melissa and Vanessa meet
    Life, Identity


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