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The Fateful Wedding

Keris and Aeshlir were bound upon one fateful day to be married, a stipulation of a long-forgotten pact with Ura, Weaver of the Planes. They held a respect for each other, though not necessarily a love; however, this arrangement bothered them not, for they were of a practical sort, and understood the benefits that would befall their union.   However, during the ceremony, over which Donar presided, a murmur began within the congregation. Sil’vat and Layoya were both wracked with jealousy, for they considered their union more deserving than the union put forth before them. By their agitation, the bonds that held the Celestials and Fiends placid, whom had been brought as witnesses, loosened.   Before the ceremony could finish, what began as a murmur exploded into an all-out brawl, with Angels, Devils, and Demons fighting each other as Sil’vat and Layoya let loose their jealousy through their words and glances, directed at Ura to the rear of the chamber.   With flashes of incredible power, Donar and Ura brought the room to a standstill. Donar decreed the wedding to be halted, and no such ceremony to be completed that day. Ura proposed that such beings as the Celestials, Fey, Fiends, and Elementals were of too different a mind to be allowed portions of the same planes, let alone the same chamber as had happened this day.   At this, Donar agreed, and both Aeshlir and Ura worked to separate these beings to their respective planes: the Celestials would reside in the Upper Planes; the Fiends would reside in the Lower Planes, with the Demons and Devils separated according to their natures; the Elementals would reside within the Elemental Planes; and the Fey would reside in the Feywild, a plane parallel to the Material Plane.   But Donar, who began to mistrust Ura’s motives in arranging this strange wedding, stipulated one final condition: that Dragons, which he had crafted for Aeshlir and Keris as a wedding gift, be allowed to remain upon the Material Plane, as his watchers over the deeds of mortals. Despite Ura’s protestations, the remainder of the gods thought this a good compromise, which is how Dragons came to create lairs throughout the world in Naria.

Cultural Reception

It is through this catastrophe that the practice of presenting bridesmaids and groomsmen at a wedding is the custom of the land; for without their protection, the gods of Life and Death may grow jealous of the union of the day, and cause a commotion that may halt the ceremony.

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