Atlas Carter Summerset Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Atlas Carter Summerset

Captain of The New Hope Atlas Summerset

D&D Character: Pirate Atlas Summerset   Quick Description: Atlas Summerset is a charming Half Elf human ranger. He’s around 32 years old and if you had anyone to compare him to is Jack Sparrow. He’s incredibly lucky and owes a lot of people money, sleeps around a lot with anyone willing to and will kill if someone crosses him or gets in his way of work.   Character Description: Atlas is 5’11, skinny muscular build, brown eyes and brown long hair. Smells like the sea pretty much all the time and wears this old captains clothes and jacket, more rugged and stained black instead of the traditional colours and doesn’t look like it firs him perfectly, seems baggy on him. There probably isn’t a time he doesn’t smell either, mix of the sea, BO and ale it’s rare to catch him smelling good. Has tattoos of the pirate crew he is with which is a dragon that goes over his right shoulder and down his back and has a couple scars on his body. He also has a neckless of the king god of the sea Istishia which is a circle pendent that has a wave crashing. Weapon wise he has two daggers, a short sword and two hand cross bows. The cross bows are his main use of attack but can switch it up if need be. His outfit is lined with leather armour so that it looks fashionable but also has some protection to it.   Character Backstory:   Ever since Atlas was young he was always travelling with his father, back and forth to different locations or sometimes places he knows, he never really knew what his father did till he was a little older. Atlas only knew his father Carter Summerset, his mother is unknown, he knows her name Violet Summerset and that she was Elven but he never knew what happened to her or where she is. Either alive or dead. Carter never really talked about Atlas’s mother, he always manger to change the subject. Atlas was always liked by the crew of this ship, the crew was almost like a big family and normally when someone joins they usually stay. He was close friends with Alexia, a female tiefling and Dox a male Orc. They used to make chaos around the ship, messing around and playing with swords when they really shouldn’t have. Atlas was the closest to them two probably even closer to them then his own father. They grew up together knowing each other for nearly 25 years but eventually they moved on, first Dox heading out and finding his family and becoming a chef. Alexia stayed for couple more years and her and Atlas grew even closer to the point that they almost formed a relationship. In the end they didn’t, Atlas was tasked to become the next captain once his father dies and he was very old and was planning on retiring soon while she wanted to adventure out and find a new destiny. Atlas wanted to run away with her but regrettably he chose to stay and instantly regretted it ever since. 2 more years later Atlas became the new captain on The Summerset this is where he fell of the band wagon a little. Aged 29 not much captain experience and no close friends anymore he would either be asleep or drunk most of the time. He would travel to most popular destinations and not make a good amount back either spending it on drink or women, he’d always be looking out of Alexia sometimes seeing her in his drunk state or seeing Dox helping him up as he always used to. Crew members left and it became harder and harder to control. The once powerful name of Summerset was slowly becoming nothing. When Atlas hit 32 he was a mess. Always in pain from the night before either from drink or a fight and he’d only have a couple crew members left. Atlas wanted out, he didn’t know what to do, he felt like he couldn’t sell or leave his household ship because that’ll ruin his family reputation and his father memory but he wanted to start a new. So he cleaned himself up, slowed down on the drink and got help from an old friend named Mortis Grey. He helped clean Atlas up and guided him in the right direction. Atlas sold The Summerset and got a reasonable amount for it being a Gallon. He used this money to then buy a smaller ship, still large but no where near the size of The Summerset and named it The Hope. He set sail looking for Alexia, Dox and even is there’s anything of his mother Violet. Determined to find his friends and mother Atlas now goes on a journey leading to Cult in hoping to find out where his lost family is.   This has lead him to find a good crew, firstly he met a half elf / half dwarf woman named Missy Caser. He caught her trying to pick pocket him and once caught she handled herself very well being very convincing to why she was doing it. Atlas did see through this and ask her about herself. She was an orphan abandoned by her parents when she was born not knowing why so she had taken onto the streets. She became very well known especially to the other orphans and street kids. They saw her as some type of hero to them. Atlas liked this about her, offered to get her a drink and to see if she wanted to be a part of this crew. With her charisma and knowledge of this place she could easily provide jobs and to find out information about Alexia.   Atlas then met Robert Lynn or to his friends Bob Lynn. He was a small goblin but he was swift and could pick anyone's pocket in the room, Atlas and Missy both met him in an ally where he was being beaten not from being caught but because of the way he looked. They both stopped the bully's and helped Bob. He was laughing when they ran off and thanked us, while they was beating him up he was robbing them right under their nose. Bob was very good with his money and was able to get prices down and manage the money well. We needed someone who can keep records of money and he wanted more so it went hand in hand. Bob Lynn joined in and is now the coin master of the crew.   Lastly Bob knew of someone who could keep the ship in prime condition if we was to get into any fights or had any damages from hard ocean conditions. Bob forgot to say that he was a massive armoured sentient polar bear that used to be a slave to the mysterious group named The Clasp. Ioric King is his name and he was the hardest to convince as he was well established there and well known by the locals. But Bob and Ioric went into a room, just them to, a bit of arguing and weird goblin noises they both came out. Ioric agreed to join us and made way to to his shop to let the others know. Atlas mentioned once why he suddenly agreed on coming and all that Bob said was "He owes me one, a pretty big one.". Atlas left it at that.   So after a few months and lots of travel and money making Atlas met up with someone he should've know of but has never heard of them. Atlas met a man named Zahkar Casari and he was also looking for Alexia, he was trying to find Carter, Atlas's father. But he didn't know he had died and was looking for the original ship. Atlas letting Zahkar know that Cater passed a couple years ago. Atlas and Zahkar talked and ended up taking a leap and trusting one another and teaming up to find Alexia together.   Zahkar and Atlas travel together for nearly a year and form a close bond. They both get a lead from a priest named Mortis Grey saying that Alexia has gone to Chult. If shes alive or not he doesn't know so Atlas and Zahkar and the crew head out to find her.   Atlas Summerset the captain of The Hope.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Atlas is a toned skinny build, very much like an athlete as someone who would need to constantly climb the sails or prep the ropes and cannons this gave him not a huge build but a muscular tone.

Body Features

Atlas has a dragon tattoo that spans all over his back, shoulders and neck. he has two small facial tattoos, one above his right eye and one below his left.

Facial Features

Atlas has a fairly large curved moustache and a sole patch with some stubble. A chiselled jawline and cheek bones. And slit in his left eye brow. He has very long flowing hair that he normally half ties.

Identifying Characteristics

His facial tattoos and his moustache will give him away for anyone looking for him as its very unique.

Physical quirks

Atlas's elvish ears are fairly large, larger then a half elf's usually are.

Special abilities

Atlas has a few special abilities, he learned some spells from an old mage on the ship named Barrel. A very large tortle that got his name because of his large size was an old mage guard.

Apparel & Accessories

Atlas wears a stylish Captains coat that is a dark navy blue. Two outside pockets and Three hidden inside pockets. White tunic with a collar underneath. Black almost skinny jean like trousers and some black sailor boots to go with it. Large belt that has multiple pouches where he'd have his coin and a few odd trinkets. He also has his short sword on his belt, his dagger on his lower leg just above his boot, his two hand cross bows on his thighs and his long bow with his arrows on his back. He has a few rings on his fingers that he has picked up over his travels, all for appearance. He has multiple ear rings on both ears. He wears his mothers wedding ring on his neck to remember her by. He also wheres his fairly large black hat with a single feather hanging from it.

Specialized Equipment

Atlas is specialised in archery and short swords. He got so good in fact he used to fish on the boat using his arrow with rope attached to it rather then a fishing rod.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atlas is a quietly broken man. He spent most of his life at sea so the only people he got to socialise with was the large crew. Granted to him it was like a large family but he cant help to feel he missed stuff while growing up, but he wasn't the only one feeling this way as well. His two closes friends Alexia a red skinned female Tiefling and Dox a fairly skinny Orc. These three was inseparable, causing mischief everywhere they go together.   Atlas never really got to bond with his father (Carter Summerset) to much as he was always busy dealing with the crew or doing deals with other crews or at the docks in whatever new island we was at. This doesn't mean that Atlas had a bad relationship with him but just not the easiest he'd talk to Barrel the large Tortle for advice with things that he couldn't talk to his father about. But one thing Atlas father really didn't talk about was his Mother. Either no one knows what happened to her or they do and wont tell him, he always tried to find the Truth. Is she dead? Did they abandon her? Did she do something? And why would no one talk about it? All he knows that her name was Violet Summerset and Father did love her very much. All Atlas has from her is her wedding ring that he keeps on a necklace.   Things got worse as time went on. Knowing Dox and Alexia for over 25 years now they was ready to leave. Atlas would always say not to think like that and that we'll be together no matter what but his constant convincing slowly became less and less effective. Dox was the first to leave, he wanted to become a chef and have his own shop by a Caribbean like shoreline and live there till he gets old. Atlas really tried to convince him but he knew that if Dox stayed he'd just be ignoring his dreams and being happy. Atlas agreed and so did his father so the next place we docked that looked like what Dox described he left. With tears but a smile on his face.   This hurt Alexia for a long time as it was a massive blow. The second he left they felt a huge chunk missing from them. A few more years pass and Alexia and Atlas have become very close, the even decided to have a relationship. Happy with how everything is going Atlas knew that Alexia wanted to leave and Atlas did too. But he knew he couldn't generations of the Summerset family have sailed this boat and become a well known name around many docks. For this reason Atlas and Alexia had many arguments about what to do but he knew how this would end. Alexia decided to leave she wanted to be more then just a crew member, she wanted to explore the land and find out who she is and her family, she gave Atlas one last chance to come with her but with his father bearing down on him he knew he couldn't.   Atlas was now more alone then ever, Barrel who is very old is also planning to leave and live out how many years he may have left in a small village by the mountains. So even the person he looked up to has now left him. This led Atlas to a drinking and sleeping problem, whenever they docked up he'd go straight to the tavern and drink and sleep with who ever is there. Dreaming about seeing Alexia and Dox again, thinking about a life with her and his best friend again.   More bad news comes over the few following months, Carter, Atlas's father is very ill and since he is a human is now fairly old. Atlas is now realising that he may have to command this ship. Carter tried his best to teach Atlas what to do and with the small amount of time he had left but this stressed Atlas to the point of breaking. Friends being gone, his mentor and now his father. Atlas wasn't doing well. After a year his father passes, no note, no message for Atlas, nothing.   Atlas commanded The Summerset for 2 years but being so inexperienced the dealerships was going cold, trade was becoming more poor and crewmen was starting to leave. Atlas didn't know what to do but he has had an idea for many months now that may work but at the cost of his family ship. Hundreds of years the Summerset family have used this ship and they all done very well but for Atlas it just isn't working. One night drinking away in the local tavern by himself he drawn out an idea of what to do. As much as he thinks his family will hate it, its whats best for him. He's going to sell the ship, he's going to become sober and his going to find his best friend Dox and the one who he can't stop thinking about. Alexia.   The next day he gathered whats left of the crew and explain to them whats happening. Few of them understood and a few more said this is a stupid idea of selling your family's boat. But Atlas was set to make things better for him and to leave a happy life just like Dox, Alexia and Barrel did. He offered a job for anyone that would like to command a small ship with him, 3 of them agreed the others left either in anger or to just get a drink and find a new job.   Atlas then sold the ship for a lot of money as the ship is a classic and the name still even now holds a lot of weight. He cleaned himself up, brought new clothes for him and the crew and a small Sloop instead of the huge Gallon his father sailed. He named it The New Hope and travelled to the island that Dox once left on first.

Gender Identity

Atlas goes by a male, nothing strong about it.


Atlas sleeps with whoever and whatever. He doesn't have a preference but he does have his one love.


Atlas's education came from teachings on the ship. There was a small school on the ship that would teach Atlas and any other children. Normally only being Atlas, Dox and Alexia but sometimes others if we are helping people cross seas and they have children.   Atlas knows how to read and write in both Common and Elvish, he knows money and how to charter a map. He also knows how to sail a boat, cook, hunt, draw, play a lute and other common understandings.


He's only ever been employed by his father but now he is a Captain of his own ship.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He learned spells which he never thought he'd be able to do. He can play the lute and fish well. But the thing he's most proud of his knowing how to sail any size ship.

Failures & Embarrassments

Atlas became a drunk between the ages 26 and 32, he'd be a constant embarrassment to the crew and his family name. He's also pissed of a lot of people while on this drunken state if it's either having bar fights or missing delivery times, it made Atlas look bad.   He'd say his biggest failure though is never going with Alexia.

Mental Trauma

Mental Trauma came around when Dox, Alexia and Barrel left the crew. Being on his own thinking about what to do and how to make things right tormented him many nights.   The hardest thing to him though is where is Alexia and his Mother.

Intellectual Characteristics

He seems to be very lucky with everything he does, he still messes stuff up but somehow is always okay at the other end. He knows how to flirt his way out of things as he knows he is good looking. He also will always support people in their dreams and desires.

Morality & Philosophy

Atlas has been very aware of his mortality since his father died. He knows that death comes for all and he has excepted that but this makes him think about his past choices and how now he is going to do the things he wants to do while he is alive and while the people he loves are alive.


Atlas doesn't deal with many Taboos, he knows that Alexia is to do with a ritual and that doesn't bother him but he has no drive for anything like this.

Personality Characteristics


Atlas's motivation now is to find Dox, Alexia and even Barrel so they can be together again. But if this curse is true and the information he has been hearing around about Alexia then he will plan to go Chult.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He's very bad at understanding his counter, as in he will start a fight with the biggest guy and not realise that he doesn't have a chance. If he needs / wants it he'll go for it as fast as he can.

Likes & Dislikes

He love the open ocean, seaside and of course Taverns. Massive animal lover. He also loves mountains capes and open areas. He likes managing a crew that he is comfortable with and to make new friends. He does love a drink but from now on only water. Big lover of cooking because of his friend Dox and playing the lute because of Alexia.   He isn't good in tight spaces. Being alone he struggles with. Feeling lost with no plan. Feeling out of control. Most importantly not being liked.

Virtues & Personality perks

Iallanis (pronounced: EE-uh-lan-is) is the giant goddess of love and mercy. Her holy symbol was a garland of flowers.   Many of the crew believes in Iallanis, she was one of the many goddess of the sun. The crew was always merciful of any people that crossed them if the saw a reason to. maybe to help them later on or if they believed they didn't deserve it.   And of course Atlas believes heavily in the love area of it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Atlas can be a nightmare once he's had a drink, he's been much better now and will only drink water but he will drink for a celebration and it might get messy.   When he wants something he will go for it no matter the cost if it means stealing it or finding another means to it. He would even do this even if the odds aren't quite in his favour.

Personality Quirks

When Atlas is anxious, nervous or stressed about something he'll start playing with his daggers or humming sea shanties to himself.   He always likes to give people a wink, his Father Carter always used to do it so he probably got it from him.   He also likes to give big bear hugs to friends or strangers depending on how drunk he is.   And when he is bored he will play with his moustache.


Atlas never was the best at looking after himself especially when Alexia left. He was at his worse smelling of booze, BO or sick from the night before.   Now though he is trying to make things right and having a better outlook so he now cleans himself up the best he can, fashioned his beard, washed his hair and has even brought some aftershave.


Contacts & Relations

Atlas's contacts are very small from this moment in time. With his father that recently past away, his two best friends out of contact and not even sure where they can be and there isn't a way to contact Barrel, he just has his 3 other crew members.   His first crew member and first mate is Iorick King, a battle polar bear that was once held as a prisoner by the dark faction called The Clasp. He is their tank and also the one that would handle the repairs to the ship.   Atlas's next crew member is called Robert Lynn or called by his friends Bob Lynn. He is the once that sorts out the coin both legally and illegally. He is the rouge of the crew and definitely the most ugly and uncomfortable to be around.   The last member of the crew is Missy Caser she is half dwarf and half elf. She was abandoned at a very young age because of her appearance and was left to the streets, she manged to negotiate food and water and when to get out of trouble. Kids of the street use to look up to her and get help from her. She does all the deals and trade on the ship when they get a job. She does have a big temper on her.

Family Ties

After Carters death Atlas only has the mystery of his mother. Not knowing if she even is alive he will try to find answers when he finds Alexia, Dox and Barrel.   But at his moment in time Alexia, Dox and Barrel are his family.

Religious Views

Atlas isn't massively religious, he does worship a god named Iallanis and prey to her every so often but he doesn't massively depend on it.

Social Aptitude

Atlas is good a social speaking, he wont make it about him or feel like he has to talk. When he is interested in the conversation he will join in. Unless there's someone attractive to him, then he'll try his best.


Atlas talks with his hands a lot and doesn't like eye contact.

Hobbies & Pets

Atlas does have a pet bird named Silence but he normally leaves it on the ship, Silence doesn't get along with Bob at all.   Hobbies Atlas does archery, fishing, sailing, plays lute and does like to gamble when he can.


Atlas is well spoken doesn't mean he isn't likely to stumble over his words but he is fluent in Common, Elvish and Orcish. Although he isn't able to read or write in Orcish.

Wealth & Financial state

Atlas has a fair amount of wealth that came from his last couple quests from The Summerset but gained a lot of money when he sold the Gallon. He had enough to by a small boat and a small crew that he brought new clothes and weapons for. The crew of The New Hope now only do small jobs while tracking down Atlas's friends.

Handsome Half-Elf Ranger, captain of the New Hope. Very handsome and very flawed. Tattoos all over him and is currently in a journey to find his friends.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Netural
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Atlas only has a title of Captain.
Date of Birth
16th of Uktar
Mid-way through Dragon Kai Sea.
Current Residence
The New Hope
Chestnut Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ahhh fuck it"
Known Languages
Atlas knows Common, Elvish and Orc

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