Bâlor The Warrior Poet Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Bâlor The Warrior Poet

Bâlor The Warrior Poet

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim but strong, Bâlors body was to be attributed to the conditions of being, his time in the wilderness and his linear diet had conditioned him to be agile but strong in all the ways he needed to be.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

until the age of twelve Bâlor lived within a small fishing community called Dugan’s bay, he’s life was met with hard work, and lots endless chores which he always despised, most of his free time was spent listening to the story’s and sonnets the bays chieftain (Dugan) would tell, depicting adventures of grandeur and tales of riches, though most of the story’s came with a moral lesson, Bâlor was hooked. Many nights he’d stay up late writing tales he could tell his friends and playing them over and over in his head till he fell asleep. On his ten birthday Dugan surprised him a gift, dugans old lute. From that point on he was fixated on becoming a bard but he knew the likely good of being able to leave the bay was slim, his family was poor, with little to no money to spare he knew he’d need to find a different way to leave and explore the world Beyond.   Two weeks after Bâlor turned 12 a traveler made his way through the bay, word of this intriguing figure made its way to Bâlor and he knew he just had to meet them.   Approaching the tavern in the centre of town he could here cheers erupting from inside, he peered through the window to see hordes of people gathered around a gnome clad in leather armour, she was scruffy and scarred but surprisingly beautiful and although he couldn’t hear what she was saying; the way the crowd reacted, he knew she was the person he had been waiting for, the one who could take him from this place. Hiding in the shadows, waiting for her to leave, he soon figured his best approach would be to hide in the back of her cart. He waited for hours but still no sign of her... eventual he drifted of to sleep.   He awoke to sunlight piercing through the tarp over the cart, and the motion of traversing old cobblestones, he leaped from the cart but before he could hit the ground he was held aloft in the air, looking down he saw the gnome looking at him with confusion. She tried endlessly to send him on his way but he insisted his path lays with hers, after 10 minutes or so she agree that he could accompany her, as long as he do what she says.   Along their journeys together she taught him all about life on the road and how, through the teachings of her god Selûne he too could learn true enlightenment through good deeds and hard work. He followed her for over 15 years, travelling many lands and helping hundreds of people, eventually the gnome agreed it was time he took to a temple so that he could become a true servant to her lord Selûne. When they arrived he was greeted with open arms, he studied there for 2 years before it was time for him to set of on the road and spread the word of Selûne. He said goodbye to his gnome companion but he believed he’d see her again.


For the most part Bâlor is heterosexual, though after a short amount of time getting to know him he would tell you he’s only really ever had one experience with romance.
After a hard summer travelling along the northern edges of the Sword Coast, he found him self a guest at a saw mill east of the NeverWinter Wood, there; he fell sweet on a girl who he would go on to describe as “burdened”. For six weeks he stayed within the mill and by her side; but for him, six weeks was a long time to stay in one spot and he new he had to move on, they only had one conversation about her leaving with him, which ended sour, not long after he left.   After his time in the mill he put his love life to the back of his mind, only then partaking in the odd sexual deviation.


In his youth, he learnt the way many did in these small communities, his father worked repairing the fishing boats and intended for Bâlor to do the same. He was a fast learner though the work in the village never satisfied him, he knew he wanted more.
Bâlor learnt a great deal from Dugan, who would tell great stories of adventure and the world beyond the village. From these stories Bâlor knew he’s destiny lied beyond the small world he had known all his life.
If one was to talk to Bâlor and ask where he learned all he knew he would tell you it was from his Mentor, the Gnome Cleric who he had fled his village with in the hopes of adventure, it was with her that Bâlor learnt the basics of combat and his responsibility within the world. More importantly she showed him the path to Selûne who’s teachings would go on to give Bâlor the worldly views he has to this day.

Morality & Philosophy

“It’s in the interest of every decent person to want to help those who need it”, Dugan often said this phrase to Bâlor. A phrase he would often repeat to himself out on the road.
It’s easy to see, from knowing Bâlor or even just following where he has been; that he just wants to help those around him, usually the first to offer his hand, he believes that everyone can be helped in some way and will usually go above and beyond to help anyone so long as their intentions are pure...
though peace is his preferred approach to most issues at hand, he is very capable in combat and (if he sees no alternative) very quick to his blade and axe.


Contacts & Relations

Dugan’s Bay: -Mother and Father (Human) -Jaxs (Human- childhood friend) -Dugan (Human- mentor)
Temple to Selûne: -Hedna (Gnome- mentor)

Religious Views

Bâlor follows the teachings of Selûne and as such lives a nomadic lifestyle, caring for most people and creatures he crosses paths with.

Social Aptitude

Bâlor is fond of talking, he spend a great deal of time to himself on the trails around the sword coast, so he gravitates toward conversation when the opportunity arises.

Charismatic and strong, Bâlor spends most his days travelling the territory’s of Waterdeep telling tales of hero’s of old. Bâlor has pledged his life to the teachings of Selûne and through these teachings he strives to help all who need it.

Character Location
Current Location
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Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Warrior poet
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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