Zâhkar Casari Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Zâhkar Casari

Zâhkar Casari

Zahkar Casari, A Tiefling Wizard, born to two parents and two older siblings, fled from his home is a small remote village after a string of strange occurrences left him feeling unsafe, From the disappearance of his two siblings and the murder of his newborn sister, Zahkar is battling his inner demons as well as trying to find his place in the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and slender, Zahkar stands at around 6ft, and weighs around 160lbs, he prefers training of the mind over body however he is not afraid of physical excursion and will often offer his hand when the crew are in need of some additional muscle.

Body Features

A long flesh colored tail distends from the bottom of his torso, he also boasts a scar on his shoulder from a time he tried jumping from the first level roof of his family house.

Facial Features

large perpendicular horns protrude from the forehead of Zahkar almost ebony in color, he's eyes shine a reflective yellow/gold and he boasts a scare across the width of his nose from a time he and Atlas were in an inn and his shy nature rubbed up a local the wrong way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zahkar was the third child born to Telvin and Kleara; two powerful mages who held high ranks among the wizarding world. Zahkar grew up lonely, his parents often attended gatherings all along the sword coast and did not see it fit to bring him along, as for his siblings; the eldest of which being Alexia. Zahkar knew little about his eldest sibling and only that she had left home at a very young age, often he'd mention Alexia only to be quickly silenced by his mother. Zahkar can only remark on a hand full of occasions he shared with his brother Zarkathis, Zahkar's fondest memory with him was the time Zarkathis lead him up a mountain pass in an effort to show him "A Great Flaming Beast" to which he swore he had seen, though young Zahkar knew he was lying but still claims that this was the only time he really connected to someone in his childhood. Zahkar returned home one day after schooling in the local town-hall to find his brother gone and the only explanation from his parents being he'd to best to forget about his brother and not be so quick to form bonds, this was a harsh lesson, one that Zahkar didn't entirely agree with; but it certainly knocked his confidence and made him think twice before making new acquaintances.   Not long after the disappearance of Zarkathis, Zahkar began learning the arcane arts from Telvin, who had always told Zahkar that it would be his destiny to learn from him and take his place "among the ranks", Zahkar had no idea what that meant and often joke that they must have been in a top secret cult.   By the time Zahkar had turned fifteen his father had began to grasp the true measure of Zahkar's potential and decided he should begin a more practical approach to his magic. One night Zahkar was woken by his parents who insisted that he get dressed and preper to leave. They rode for days taking little time to rest, this alone was more strenuous then anything Zahkar had done before, finally they arrived at what looked like a small market deep in a wood that he didn't recognise. at first glance Zahkar was taken by the colourful sites, sounds and smells surrounding the market however this soon changed when he caught sight of a small opening off to one side of the grounds, the trees leading down this path were smothered in blood and symbols he recognised to be abyssal. the opening filled him with dread and soon after he was lead; hand on back; by his father down the path. as he walked down the path the Blood of the trees increase, so much so that it had began to pool on the floor surrounding. the symbols grew more violent, almost cursive. Among the many scribings on the trees a name kept repeating, Larloch. Zahkar had never heard this name and was confused to its meaning. As they continued down the path they soon found themselves in a opening, the trees in this area drowned out all natural light and Zahkar could soon see the horror laid before him. Bodies arranged in a circular pattern around what looked like an alter made of darkened wood. Zahkar tried to shake loose from his fathers grip but found that he was unable he was urged closer to the alter, each step feeling heavier than the last, suddenly his eyes blackened and he passed out. He awoke on the back of his horse and quickly realised that he was on the road back home. He questioned his parents endlessly on what had happened that night, the only response being that "he would soon understand". Zahkar, now seeing his parents in a light he never thought he would; new not to press them.   Upon returning home Zahkar continued to study. A few weeks after turning nineteen, Zahkar's mother announced that she had fallen pregnant again, this news had both brightened and saddened Zahkar as he was happy to have a new member in the family but scared for what may become of them. He continued training, knowing now that he had attained powers sufficient enough to leave his home and start anew.   Time passed, and Zahkar's new sibling was due. Zahkar's parents mood had seems lighter in weeks past and Zahkar had hoped this could be the beginning of a great change with his family. one night Zahkar returned home to the sounds of his mother screaming, he knew the time had come. He rushed into the house just in time to see the birth. A moment passed and the feeling of joy soon changed. his mother let out a great cry as he laid his eyes upon the child. Thick disgruntled scales lined the body from head to toe, eyes black and horns more likened to that of a goat. Zahkar looked in horror as his parents wept. he asked to hold the child and was met with a thunderous snap from his father, pinning him to a wall and exclaiming for Zahkar to leave them. Zahkar waited outside, after twenty minutes he could he their voices begin to raise, his mother let out a cry as his father came bursting out the door with the child in hand. Zahkar knew what his father aimed to do but could not find the courage to stop it. Telvin made his way around the back of the house with the child and then all fell silent. moments later he returned with the child nowhere to be see, walking into the house.   Zahkar waited, knowing now he could not stay, he spent the night outside; silently crying to himself, he didn't sleep and when morning came he saw his father leave the house, soon tailed by his mother; they almost looked happy, as if nothing had happened, Telvin shouted morning and told Zahkar to carry on with his studies and that they were just popping into town. Zahkar watched them walk away, he wished it to be the last he'd ever see of them and in that instant he knew he had to run. he made his way into the house and to the back room where his parents slept, breaking into his fathers chest, stealing a handful of papers, some coin and Telvin's staff, an ornate dark wood poll capped with metal blades, phases in Abyssal ran down the length of the wood, Zahkar knew that if he took this he would not be able to return. unfazed by the fear of what could happen to him; he left running in the direction of the next town over.   Upon entering a near town and booking a room in the local inn, he began to pour over the papers he had stolen from his father. The notes went on to explain a plot to further the influence of Larloch. From what Zahkar could gather, Larloch was a being that had managed to attain immortal life after death, Zahkar had never heard of such magic but knew that it had to be ancient and very dark. these notes intrigued Zahkar but left little in the way of a clue on how to follow up on what he was reading. towards the end of the papers, Zahkar discovered a document describing a lead on the whereabouts of his sister Alexia, Zahkar knew what he had to do, the next morning he left in search of his sister... and the ship called The Summerset.


Zahkar spent his infant years learning in the town hall of the village he grew up in, he then became his fathers personal apprentice learning everything he knew in the ways of magic.


Zahkar Currently resides aboard The New Hope helping out were he can and offering his services as a mage.

Failures & Embarrassments

Thoughts of his younger sibling plague his mind while he sleeps, he wishes he had the strength to stand up to his father.

Mental Trauma

The news of his brothers disappearance shocked Zahkar to the core it was around this time that Zahkar became quiet, feeling unsure of those around him.   witnessing the evil that was carried out upon his new born sibling changed Zahkar for, making him want to renounce his past life and drove him to set of in search of a new one.

A young adult, forced to flee his home after witnessing his father smother his newborn sister. Zâhkar now renounces the customs of his tribe and only wants to forgot the life he once had.

Character Location
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Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Abyssal Undercommon

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