Princess Astrid Saunclair

Princess Astrid Saunclair (a.k.a. Beauty of the Realm, Daughter of the Emperor)

Astrid Saunclair is the only child of Aulus Saunclair and Enora Saunclair. Being the child of the Emperor of Sturn she was born into a life with high expectations. During her youth Astrid was never allowed to leave the Imperial palace, her tutors, doctors, and servants always came to see her in the palace and take care of her every need. Her father was very protective of her throughout her childhood not allowing young Astrid to have many friends outside guests of the Imperial palace.   Her sole childhood friend outside the servants and guards from day to day life was Leovald Harpsund, a boy that was sent by his father the Provincial Governor of Krest to learn in thr capital. It was said that Leovald also shared the ancient bloodline that Astid did and was considered royalty as well. The two became close growing up In their youth. Though Astrid would come to be jealous of Leovald, as her father would take him outside the Imperial palace and not her.   Not until she finally became a woman was she finally allowed to leave the Imperial palace and see the grand capital of Sturnholm. By this time Leovald was long gone, sent away to learn the ways of the world as a warrior. Astrid being sheltered and unaware of the dangers of the world found herself into her fair share of trouble once she was allowed to leave the palace.   In the shop The Black Emporium where one can find magical sundries, tomes, and long forgotten artifacts she happened upon an old Dusty unmarked tome that spoke of a prophecy with the Saunclairs being the light that shall drown out the darkness. She thought it was sheer nonsense, but wanted to do something she had never done before, and stole the tome. The shop keep eventually realized that she took it without paying and proceeded to chase her through the streets unaware of whom she was.   It was a rush unlike any she had before. She made it almost all the way to the Imperial palace before stumbling into a group of knights all Clad in their shiny armor. One of the Knights, a handsome man with black hair and steel colored eyes noticed she was being chased and thought she was in danger. He proceeded to approach her persuer. Only to discover moments later that she was a theif.   The Knight by the name of Godwin Ostrandnwas betrayed by her beauty and forced her to return the tome to the shop keep. He asked her who she was and where he could take her too, he did not believe her at first when she told him who she was. Awe struck and fearful Godwin immediately escorted Astrid back to the Imperial palace.   Upon arriving back at the palace Emperor Saunclair was thankful of Godwin for getting hid daughter out of trouble, and asked the Knight if he would join then for dinner to honor him. From that night on Astrid and Godwin grew close, eventually Godwin asked for Astrids hand in marriage and was granted it. She had never been happier in her life.   Though their happiness would be short lived, upon her wedding day to Godwin something unspeakable would happen that would be remembered forever. Godwin was poisoned from the bonding chalice and as he lay dying at her feat, her childhood friend Leovald Harpsund a man she hadn't seen in years jolted from the crowd sword in hand, ascended the steps and killed her father. Chaos ensued and fighting began in the church halls. She grasped the corpse of her lover, tears raining from her eyes, as she watched Leovald proclaim himself Emperor. She yelled out at him and called him a monster for a monster he was in her eyes. Her childhood friend had taken everything from her, her father, her lover, and countless friends and family members. She was broken.

The beauty of the realm some call her. Golden hair, eyes like the sun itself, pale skin, and fair features Astrid Saunclair is a beauty to behold.

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Date of Birth
1336AF Green Grass
Bright Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skin