Provincial Governor of Krest Leovald Harpsund

Provincial Governor of Krest Leovald Harpsund (a.k.a. The Stag Lord)

Leovald Harpsund Is the only surviving child of four of his siblings. At a young age Leovald had the finest teachers from all across The Empire of Sturn. His father Benton Harpsund ensured that Leovald would also attend the best military academy in Sturn.   Leovald spent much of his youth away from his family home of Greywatch in the capital of Sturnholm. In the capital Leovald would come to be childhood friends with the Emperors daughter Artrid. Studying, fighting, and learning from his teachers and the world around him. Benton intended to make Leovald into something greater than himself. Also telling young Leovald of their ancient bloodline dating back to thr founding of The Empire itself to Torvund Saunclair then Founder and that they had the right to rule The Empire if they deemed it so. This thought would become a corrie belief of Leovalds over the years to come.   Sometime in 1359AF Leovald would be hit with devastating news. His father, mother and three sisters all perished in a carriage accident while he was away sailing The Great Ocean and exploring The Callous and Aegir Isles. He rushed on home to Greywatch to be appointed as the Provincial Governor and bury his family.   In 1360AF Empror Saunclair convened the senate and provincial Governors gather in Sturnholm to discuss ongoing unrest in the province of Tulaire. Their at the summit the emperor heard out thr Tulairian Governor about their want for independence and if it was declined surely war would follow. Rather than allow the senate and Governors to discuss and vote on the matter the emperor decided to use his executive power to grant Tulaire independence. Causing outrage and a riot to ensue in the Imperial palace.   Leovald was one of the rioters, deeming it was a disgrace to the Empire to allow a province independence and it would cause further unrest if the emperor allowed such a thing. Eventually the riot was shut down and order reinstated. There was nothing they could do albeit watch as Tulaire was granted independence or be charged with treason.   This event only bolstered Leovalds provident idea that he would better suit as Emperor. He had the blood, the name, and the capability. Now he only needed the blessing. In 1366AF he would ask Emperor Saunclair for his daughter's hand in marriage, believing that he had a fair chance since Astrid and Leovald were close as friends in their youth and he had grown close to the Emperor.   But it would not be so. Emperor Saunclair denied Leovald and Leovald would refute and cause an uproar not understanding why the Emperor denied him Emperor Saunclair then stated that Leovald was not worthy to become Emperor nor was he worthy of the Saunclair bloodline.   This would be the final straw. Leovald would wait til 1367AF during Astrids marriage to Godwin Ostrand to stage a coup and slay the Emperor and countless other during her wedding the day would be infamous and named A Day of Crimson Tears. Proclaiming himself Emperor he would kidnap Astrid and flee the capital amidst the infighting. Thus began the Sturnian Civil War of 1367AF.

One of the deadliest fighters in The Empire or Sturn, Leovald stands proud, determined, and strong willed with purpose.

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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
1334AF Suns Seed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation