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cured migs

An extremely bitter, dark red, round bumpy fruit when let to cure in salt for several days leaves a much smaller, loose chewy, few millimeter thick sack, filled with an extremely sweet syrup. This is often used as a travelling food because of how energy dense it is. While the fresh juice can be used to make wine, it's far more popular for migs to be cured and the syrup diluted then fermented to make a mead, which can be distilled into a light purple opaque liquor(often just referred to as Mig) and is often diluted again and served as a sweet grog. While grown across the continent, the most desired fruits come from the base of the mountains near the border of Afrea and Pyre Glaa where a number of villages(something in afrea and Pirn in Pyre Glaa) grow a unique variant of the tree. These occasionally grow a blue fruit, which once distilled into liquor (Vision Mig) becomes a perfectly reflective liquid, always having a mirrored finish when distilled correctly. This is because Migs are an entide invention designed as a plant that produces mechanites to achieve a number of purposes. The blue mig trees are possibly the only of these left untainted by crosspollination and are carefully protected from this by the locals, ensuring there is always a thriving population of trees. The distilling of liquor from the fruit just happens to be very similar from the process the entide used to create the final mechanites which had their basic components grown inside the fruit.
The reason vision mig is so sought after is the hallucinogenic affects it has. While the majority of the use is recreational, a few scholars have found it helpful when trying to push through to profound discoveries and conclusions, especially in various fields of magic. The locals, while they do sell much of their supply, making it a rather wealthy region, rarely drink it. This is except for during their coming of age ritual, using it as a means for a sort of spirit quest, and for the travels of the oracle.
  Ratfolk find the smell of Mig or cured migs extremely offensive to the nose and will often avoid areas where it is produced. Although some areas have began using this as a sort of repellant there are no resources being put into developing it specifically for this purpose as it's largly viewed as an old wives' tale.
  In Afrea the use of a drug known as Faemig/Faerig/Faem has been becoming more popular. While it only has negative effects when used chronically, it has been banned in Pyre Glaa with strict enforcement. This is due to the detrimental effects it has on sho gaths, which has made The Rotting significantly more common in Pyre Glaa than it used to be.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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