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Seated Lord of the Treskotin Parliament

Seated Lords of the Treskotin parliament are elected by the population of a region. The royal family, or now the remaining advisors and administrators, send at minimum: one counter, one observer, and 3 guards to every hold across Treskotis. Held on the summer solstice of every third year, all citizens are meant to gather at their lord's hall, castle, or keep to vote. Lords are given voting power based on the population of their land, and business owners based on number of employees. While most administration is done by local lords, Seated lords command military forces, gained through both mandatory tithes and voluntary service. They can also make more sweeping changes across their territory compared to local lords, such as allowing slavery, or mandating local lords command their own smaller forces as well. While never successful for long, a number have even attempted prohibition of mig. For decisions of the entire nation, seated lords, together with the representatives of the royal family, vote by simple majority. The royal family commands 3 votes in these matters, representing the region surrounding the capitol, which is the most densely populated in Treskotis.


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