BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Sitting on the board of both the Alchemy and medical guilds, Zu'Thoth holds a great deal of influence in the Pyre Glaa elite. He earned this position through the development and improvement of a parasite that forms a symbiotic relationship with a human brain, allowing for greater control of the body, faster reflexes, and fewer biologically imposed limits. This parasite is a tight held secret of pyre glaa, being a significant reason guilds' access must be so restrictive. Only those that can be trusted to not reveal its existence to people outside the guilds' membership can me given the opportunity to have the operation of implanting one of the parasites into their head. This is a relatively simple operation that just involves piercing the recipients ear canal to allow the tendrilly creature, referred to as a shoggath, to make its way inside the head and incorporate itself into the subject's brain. While the parasite introduced to most guild members is almost exclusively designed to improve a recipient's use of their body, others have been developed by Zu'Thoth and his followers to gain a higher level of thinking, or gain an insight into someone's thoughts nearby. These are all developed for the greater good of Pyre Glaa, but on his own time with his most loyal followers, Zu'Thoth creates versions of the parasites that warp the flesh, and even take control of the body themselves, trapping the victim in their own mind. The parasite melded to his own brain was crafted with a great attention to detail. With both improved physical and mental abilities, but most importantly, he can control the bodies of any of his followers, who willingly chose this before going through the operation. To further their research, and to give more power to Zu'Thoth, a leader of The Cult of It that Sees Teeth. While not everyone that receives the parasite is initiated into the cult, only those the cult believes deserving enter guilds and are given the option to have the operation done, and it is very rare for someone to not have been fully indoctrinated within a few years of the operation. His dark research and his more powerful parasite have warped his appearance. Zu'Thoth must wear an alchemical mask of his creation to appear human. It matches his old appearance near perfectly, and his magic allows it to move and express as if it was his own face in creation to his thoughts and emotion. This mask itself, is made from a different variety of shoggath


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