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5000 years into Faerun's past exists the Empire of Netheril, and empire built on magic, ruled by archwizards of a power matched in no other time. A time when magic was raw and powerful, when spellcasters stood supreme and a biit feared in the eyes of their nation. When only magic items controlled by the influence of the mighty mythallar were allowed amongst any but the elite of the floating cities. Led by Karsus, an archwizard so powerful he weilded magic that tempted him to think of himself as worthy of godhood itself.   Netheril evokes images of a mystical territory of glistening beauty and cultivated extravagance—of days unfettered by care and nights untouched by the hand of darkness. Most think of Netheril as the land of plenty—of the magical dream come true. Paradise. Was everything so perfect? Was Netheril the age that should be instead of the age that was? Was Netheril really the climax of humanity? If so, why did the kingdom abruptly collapse with so few survivors?   Netheril was an ancient, magocratic human empire of Faerûn, whose influence was felt across the Realms for thousands of years. The Netherese people lived in a strict hierarchy for hundreds of years, split into the nobles of High Netheril, living in flying enclaves miles above Toril, and the commoners of Low Netheril settled in demesnes on the coast of the Narrow Sea. During its glory years before Dale Reckoning, the Empire of Magic would spread across a great stretch of Faerûn.   The empire was the pinnacle of human civilization during the first half of the Age of Humanity. Although they had humble roots as mere fishermen and farmers, the Netherese were introduced to the Art by the elves of Eaerlann and came to harness this arcane power in ways that would shape Toril for generations. Over the next thousand years they discovered the long lost Nether Scrolls, developed the creation and use of mythallars and created the first of their flying cities, Xinlenal.   High Netheril was ruined in a matter of hours, while Low Netheril experienced a long, agonizing decline by the aberrant Phaerimm.