The Golden Endeavor

The Golden Endeavor is a Netherese airship that was in the service of Lady Polaris at the time that The Heroes of Netheril were transported through time to the Age of the Netherese Empire from 1495 DR. It served the Floating City of Delia as transport of passengers and cargo before being gifted to the Heroes in appreciate of their service to the free peoples of Netheril in the year 3510 by the Netherese Calendar. Rashi, known as the Mouth of the Storm, became Captain. It is this epithet of Rashi's by which the Endeavor came by its nickname "The Fist of the Storm"  

Home Port

  The Golden Endeavor when not in service has a permanent berth at the skydocks of the Flying City of Delia. Dock 6 is permanently reserved for it.  

Crew Deck


Captain Deck and Observation Deck


The Cargo Hold and Lower Deck


Main staff

  The Golden Endeavor is owned and operated by the Heroes of Netheril. The ship is Captained by Rashi, with the former bodyguard Jia Mubrisa and three mates as crew. One cook works in the kitchen to prepare the food for all passengers.  

Griffin Cages

  On the lowest deck of the ship there is a large cage that takes up approximately one quarter of the hold space. Griffins have been kept in the past. The cage opens to the outside of the ship by means of a door that when open serves as a landing area for griffins in flight. There are currently no griffin serving on the Golden Endeavor.  

Meeting Room

  On the Crew Deck there is a meeting room with a large table that accommodates up to 8 people. This meeting room is the only entry into what was built to be the Captain's Cabin. However, since taking over as captain, Rashi chooses to sleep in the general crew cabin in a hammock with the others of the crew.  


  Located toward the aft section underneath the Observation Deck, passengers and crew can prepare food for themselves at any time. The ships cook will generally have food ready at standard meal times when the Heroes are on board.  

Power Generation

  Power onboard is generated through a mythallar that also provides propulsion for the ship.  


  A mythallar in the bottom of the ship allows the captain and crew to adjust the weight of the ship, even allowing the ship to have a negative weight to rise. This mythallar allows the ship to travel in elevation. A grouping of magical crystals control the sails of the ship, allowing for forward momentum and steering.

Weapons & Armament

2 Ballista
The Fist of the Storm
HLS (Her Lady's Ship)
Owning Organization
Current location
150 feet
20 -30 feet
Complement / Crew
The Heroes of Netheril, Jia Mubrisa, 1 cook, 3 mates
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
33 at double occupancy, 22 single occupancy

Photo Gallery

The Golden Endeavor sails with her new owners and crew
Tannivh sits in his cabin during some downtime
Rashi rests in a hammock aboard the Golden Endeavor in a moment before leaving the desolate remnants of the town of Scourge
Giant flying spiders attack the Golden Endeavor
The keep of Burmstone