Lesser Vampires in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Lesser Vampires


Lesser Vampires are driven by the same hunger as those True Vampires who cursed them with undeath, and they too inherit a sense of superiority over the mortals they once called kin. But within Lesser Vampires is a bitterness that stays with them till they are finally laid low, one they learn quickly by both nature and potentially nurture in their new unlife. It is in their very name, Lesser Vampires, and their so-called "Kindred" who brought them into being are very quick to remind them of this fact. Even if a Lesser Vampire is given unto undeath, but not lead or handled by their True Vampire sire, this bitterness remains, reminding them that they are but a shadow of a greater form of predatory force. Perhaps the greatest factor that divides True and Lesser is that Lesser Vampires are more noticeably in touch with their former mortal lives. This is potentially the greatest burden for a Lesser Vampire. To desire fine food and drink, but no longer take true satisfaction from such things. To lust and crave physical intimacy, but no longer being able to fulfill their purpose nor take comfort in a warm body. To have loved ones and those who love them, but knowing that all they see in mortals now are bodies to conquer and feed off of, knowing all mortals see in them a gross perversion of nature. They are doomed to stand amidst a running river of time, paralyzed to watch all they once knew fade and pass, simultaneously being unable to find a stake in whatever comes after. This bitterness is understandable, and in certain cases indeed tragic, but ultimately fuels nothing more than evil and wickedness. They share in the True Vampire's paranoia, but to a noticeably milder degree, and can often times build bonds among other Lesser Vampires, forming "Clans" in the process. It is important to note that what recorded history we have demonstrates that Lesser Vampires are likely culprits to try and usurp their True Vampire Kindred when the opportunity arises, with obviously mixed results. Prior to the Blood Crusade, it was a fact that a single Vampire House could have multiple Vampire Clans under its rule. Afterwards till today, it is the understanding of the necrological community that Clans still obey the will of a House but, due to their near extinction, the Clans are far less numerous and far less populated. There is speculation as to the Clans who escaped the culling, but where subsequently freed from their ruling House, and how they function. The Code, if it exists, must clearly be respected by Clans cut off by the power structure, for they too do their best to remain hidden.  


Lesser Vampires have all the supernatural physical prowess and enhancements as their True Vampire counterparts, with some even demonstrating a weaker charm by sight ability. They also possess a potent bite that can quickly drain their victims, though a person killed by this method isn't inherently turned into a Lesser Vampire after death. Their bite is also wildly different to experience, for while True Vampire bites can induce euphoria and feelings of ecstasy, a Lesser Vampire bite has been described to be no different than being attacked and bitten by any much more mundane teethed beast. Feeding is also a great boost to what powers and healing they do possess. This is, however, the full extent of the powers given to them inherently. They lack the ability to dominate creatures of the night or other undead, are incapable of polymorphing, nor do they inherently hold great sway over necromantic energies. It is worth noting that they do lack two noticeable weaknesses that True Vampires possess: damage caused by running water and the inability to enter homes unless given permission. These two omissions from their list of weaknesses alone are a driving reason why True Vampires value them as servants of their dark wills. Though it would not be traditionally considered an "ability", it is important to remember a Lesser Vampire's greatest asset is their closer ties to a mortal mindset. A Lesser Vampire is not usually supernaturally beautiful like a True Vampire, their lack of necromantic magic making them stand out even less to a learned arcane eye, allowing them to more easily blend among mortal folk. When interacting with mortals, they are far easier to understand the mind of a living person and hide the differences undeath has done to their perception of the world. In a way, many Lesser Vampires may think they have newfound value in the eyes of True Vampires in an age where being able to hide amongst their prey is paramount to success.  


Lesser Vampires were first created from victims killed by a True Vampire's bite, bound to serve their new undead master in undeath. However, it was discovered that Lesser Vampires can sire one another through the bite as well. However, for a Lesser Vampire to turn a mortal into one of their kind, the mortal must willingly give themselves to the bite of a Lesser Vampire. Any person unwilling to give up their soul in exchange for undeath will merely die from being drained by a bite, saved from an eternity of damnation. But, for all those saved, there are some who seek such ruinous destinies via a Lesser Vampire's bite. Though Lesser Vampire's bodies seemingly do not degrade or age, it is confirmed all sexual reproductive processes remain dead after their succumbing to undeath.

Recommended Tactics

With the exception of the two weaknesses listed previously, the methodology for destroying Lesser Vampires is no different than True Vampires. While not as formidable as True Vampires, only experienced hunters should attempt to fight Lesser Vampires. While it is not a consistent phenomena, a possible tactic to use on Lesser Vampires specifically is to use psychological warfare to soften them up before a true confrontation. Their ties to what was once mortal life can be turned into a double-edged sword by a witty and learned hunter.


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