Blood Crusade Military Conflict in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Blood Crusade

The Conflict


The Blood Crusade wasn't the first war waged against a vampiric host, but it was the first internationally coordinated and with the goal of rendering the vampire scourge extinct. It is believed that what sparked this unprecedented campaign was the slaying of Gerhman Ottlmier's family. His wife and children (Ottlmier is the notable exception to Blood Hunter infertility due to him hailing from The Founders' blood line, though his body modifcations rendered him sterile after his fifth child) were murdered in retaliation for a recent vampire hunt Ottlmier had successfully carried out. While being the Grandmaster of the Mutants inevitably drew in that specific order, the fact that an attack was carried out against the last known remnants of The Founders (as Ottlmier's body modifications lead his blood to no longer be pure) and effectively meant the extinction of that bloodline, it was clear to both the Ghostslayers and Lycans that order rivalries were to be put aside, and a united front to be formed. Seeing as how the vampires had made a treasured bloodline extinct, the Blood Hunters decided it was only logical to return the favor.


The war was fought all across Neuorban: from vampiric citadels on the highest mountain tops to the deepest unholy crypts nestled in the Underdark.

The Engagement

The crusade was fought with no rules or restrictions, by either side. Though the Blood Hunters did not seek out non-combatant casualties and involvement, it did not mean that it never occurred. Peaceful towns became graveyards over night, forests became a field of burning torches, and the land itself groaned with all the unnatural blood of both sides poured upon it.


The Blood Hunters had completely dismantled the vampire power structure, among their own ranks and in the mortal world. True vampires that survived went deep into hiding, making as little trouble as possible to prevent being discovered in their battered state. The Blood Hunters collected all information not destroyed by the vampires before the conflict ended, as well as securing the bodies of all fallen true vampires to prevent their blood from getting into the wrong hands. The Mutants wanted to keep some specimens for study, but were denied archiving full specimens by the Ghostslayers. The Lycans collected many trophies from the kills of their members and brought living remnants of the monsters used by the vampires to the Preserve.


The vampires have yet to remerge as recognized worldly powers like prior to the war, but are believed to have regained strength and influence in the mortal world. The knowledge of vampire biology and psychology are now widely understood and studied by various institutions outside of the Blood Hunters, who released much of their knowledge to the rest of their world after the crusade had ended and all information was compiled. This sharing of knowledge, along with the clear valor and righteousness of their actions in initiating the crusade, has made Blood Hunters more readily accepted amongst governmental bodies, though they are still seen through lenses of superstition and fear.
Conflict Type
Start Date
279 MIE
Ending Date
365 MIE
Conflict Result
The Blood Hunters emerge victorious, though were unable to wipe out vampires entirely.



1,473 Blood Hunters from all three of the orders.
115 true vampires, 1,433 lesser vampires, and various mortal and undead militia under vampiric control. They also used various monsters during the conflict.


862 Blood Hunters, the heaviest toll being members of the Order of the Ghostslayer.
99 confirmed true vampires slain, 1,012 confirmed lesser vampires slain, unconfirmed mortal casualties, unconfirmed lesser undead slain, and various monster types confirmed slain by the Lycans.


Eliminate all vampires, true or lesser, from Neuorban and break the structures of power they installed throughout the mortal world.
Prevent the extinction of the vampiric race, hold current seats of power, and eliminate the Blood Hunter threat to prevent future conflicts.


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