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The Dwarven Civil War

The Conflict


Officially, the events that would eventually spark this unprecedented world scale conflict are attributed to several revolts that began in the Sky-Spear Isles in 1214 MIE. Warforged had begun to show signs of sentience, what began as "a few defective units" quickly turned into widespread rebellion. Compounding matters was a divide that formed in the Dwarven Nations, between those who saw the Warforged as automatons and those who saw a spark of mortality in their creations. Both sides had standing in dwarven culture and theology for holding their beliefs, with both sides' infamous stubbornness assuring there would be no compromise. The Great Clans would quickly take sides, Separatist and Nationalist, and begin a chain of events that would forever change Neuorban.   It should be noted that there are those who see these events far more cynically. Though Warforged freedom was the issue pushed on Separatist populations, it is undeniable that another factor was at play: Economics. Since the creation of the Warforged in 1204, Dwarven Nations with greater access to these forges and the necessary elements for production saw growth unseen at any other time in history. This lead to a divide not only between the Great Clans, with many fearing their one trusted shield-siblings would make moves on the other's territory and influence, but a greater class struggle in dwarven society as a whole. Warforged labor was inherently less costly and more productive in the long term, leading many lower class dwarfs to lose their occupations, something that has an added spiritual facet in dwarven culture, and all but the highest echelons of their people to be fear for their own livelihoods. Outside of the Sky-Spear Isles, the rich and powerful of the other world powers grew uneasy seeing such potential in a subservient Warforged workforce. While the common man may have been driven by calls for empathy and moral outrage, it is the elite pockets of civilizations who may have likely accelerated and intensified these calls for action. More over, the war was founded on the peak of industry at the time and undeniably boosted companies and powerful individuals to new heights as the war grew ever increasingly dependent on constant supply chains and technologies aimed towards ending the war today.
  What ultimately sealed the involvement of other nations was the preemptive strikes that Nationalist forces launched on October 16th, the most devastating attack being the "Scouring of Tomkei" which the people of The Crescent Empire carry around as a societal wound today. Officially, these strikes were meant to intimidate nearby nations into staying out of dwarven affairs. Though many believe the dwarfs, a remarkably prideful people, were blinded by their believed indominable might, there are those who claim that doesn't quite add up. No matter their might, the dwarves proved in the midst of the war to not be utter fools: How could they expect such atrocities to go unanswered? Many are unable to answer why, but many a conspiracy theorist claim that other forces were at play to drive the dwarves to start the war. And what better a puppet than a military that had been enflamed by two years of war with its own people and whose pride would never allow them to admit that an outside force had manipulated them? Though these are just conspiracies after all, with no solid evidence backing them.  

The Union of Magic, Industry, and War

The scale was not the only unprecedented element of the war, for there had been no conflict between such powerful nations since the Modern Industrial Era began. Rifles and bows, bombs and spells, monsters and war-machines: the war brought the totality of what war has and could be into one single conflict. The Warforged components of the Nationalist forces alone were an entirely new obstacle to overcome for Separatist forces. From standard infantry, to hulking Goliaths, to the towering engines of war known as Colossus class Warforged, Separatist forces had their work cut out for them. Creating new equipment such as Cogni-Disruptor Devices (CDDs) to Condescended Gelatinous Vapor Dispenser units, Separatist forces were forced to embrace industrial ingenuity into warfare. An arms race soon dominated production centers of both sides, bringing about more sophisticated, often time exponentially more deadly and sinister, weapons to the frontlines.
  Though war is far from a purely technological crucible, as The Enduring Legion showed how strategy and highly trained soldiers could best technologically superior foes. While not relying solely on weapons of old, the hobgoblins proved that the "mortal factor" was never to be underestimated. Even armored divisions of tanks could be rendered ineffective by well trained, ingenious Worg Riders.   Magic's inclusion in warfare is always a game changing factor for strategists, as one wizard can eliminate entire companies with a few well placed or powerful enough spells. Anti-magic technologies and counter measures were heavily refined during the war, with many now prodigious snipers cutting their teeth hunting down enemy mages. But magical consideration was not limited to practitioners of spells alone, for the world of Neuorban is full of magical creatures: Many of whom did not take kindly to either side disrupting their homes with their warfare. This is why units like the Esen Confederacy's Grave Hounds were formed, as a response to inevitable collision with the supernatural and fantastical elements of the war. A number of species of magical creatures were displaced or made extinct over the course of the thirteen year long conflict. The Sky-Spear Isles in particular suffered the loss of benevolent sprites and fairies that once called the forests there home, unable to live in such death and violence tainted places anymore.  

A Maelstrom with No Safe Harbor

From rolling fields, ancient forests, caverns deep in the world, and urban centers, the war was seen everywhere at some point. When Separatist forces began their push into the Sky-Spear Isles in earnest in the year 1221 the war became far more devastating, as Separatist forces had to fight for every inch of ground against entrenched Nationalist forces who knew the terrain and, in the case of the Annexed Forces, who had everything to lose (the Annexed Forces were composed entirely out of the multitude of independent or small settlements and governments that once lived in peace under the shadow of their powerful neighbors, until they were forced into the frontlines of course). It is often highly debated whether the Annexed Forces should have been labeled combatants as they are currently, with many loud voices in the historical community claiming that it is done merely to mask what would normally be a staggering civilian casualty percentage. Separatist troops, they say, grew more and more cynical and cruel as the war dragged on, with that being no surprise given the conditions and situations they were forced to fight in, and that there are more war crimes on the side of "justice" than many would care to admit.

The Resolution


The Steel Treaty

On September 27th, 1229 MIE, after a prolonged siege of the dwarven capitol city, a peace treaty was signed that brought an end to the war. The treaty covered numerous topics, but many simplified it down to an agreement that Separatist forces would withdraw from Nationalist territories and end hostilities with the Sky-Spear Isles should the Warforged forges be destroyed and all future production be outlawed, with a strict inspection body to ensure the treaty is honored. The Nationalists were allowed to keep their current number of Warforged active, but were not allowed to pursue any Warforged that had escaped enslavement prior to the signing. Both sides agreed to these terms, bringing a close to the bloodiest war in history.  

Smoldering Embers of Hatred

For as many that were over joyed to see the war come to a close, just as many seethed at this development. To them so much had been lost for little gain, a sentiment felt by many on both sides. To the Separatists, it felt like they had sacrificed so much for a weak, half realized solution. To Nationalists, they felt as though they were effectively crippled from being able to heal from the damage brought to their lands and people, seemingly so that they couldn't finish the fight proper. Though the war has officially ended with the treaty's ratification, no document can ultimately quell the war in peoples' hearts...
Conflict Type
Start Date
October 16th, 1216 MIE
Ending Date
September 27th, 1229 MIE


Separatist Forces/Sympathizers
Nationalist Forces


Separatist Dwarves: An estimated 3 million dwarves, both soldiers and civilians, are involved in the conflict, many unable to do otherwise   Esen Confederacy: 4.7 million citizens drafted into war effort, 2.8 million serve on the front lines of the war.   The Enduring Legion: Entire military might, approx. 654,387 soldiers fight. All civilian elements work to resupply and support the overseas war effort.   Crescent Empire: 1.3 million Imperial Army soldiers deployed. All Samurai Houses enter the conflict under a self-imposed "Oath of Annihilation", estimated number of around 23,000 warriors.   Total Estimated Strength: 9,677,387
Dwarven Nations: 1.1 million dwarves serve on the frontline. Remaining citizenry work to fuel the war effort and some eventually ordered to engage in total war in the final years of the war. 3.5 million Warforged, spanning every classification and mark, are deployed to aid their oppressors.   Elven City States: 2.1 million elven soldiers are deployed to fight overseas or defend their homeland   Annexed Forces: 3.2 million, soldiers and citizen alike, are pressed into frontline service despite objections   Total Estimated Strength: 9.9 million


Separatist Dwarves: 242,120 killed in action, 300,643 killed by disease or other causes, 563,290 wounded   Esen Confederacy: 512,386 killed in action, 232,970 killed by disease or other causes, 64,570 wounded   The Enduring Legion: 89,602 killed in action, 270,267 wounded   Crescent Empire: 384,603 killed in action, 123,540 killed by disease or other causes, 294,053 wounded   Total Casualties: 3,078,044   Total Dead: 1,885,864
Dwarven Nations: 398,023 killed in action, 101,085 killed by disease or other causes, 206,932 wounded, 2.3 million Warforged "destroyed or dismantled"   Elven City States: 460,127 killed in action, 103,426 killed by disease or other causes, 513,407 wounded   Annexed Forces: 1.2 million killed in action, 789,056 killed by disease or other causes, 92,034 wounded   Total Casualties: 6,164,090   Total Dead: 5,351,717


End Nationalist aggression, liberate Warforged slaves, and retaliate for Nationalist preemptive strikes.
Repel Separatist terrorists, protect Dwarven liberty, and discourage foreign interference in the Sky Spear Isles.


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