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The Feywilds

What are The Feywilds?


A Space Between Spaces

For one to claim that they know the location of the Feywilds like one claims to know the location of something on the material plane (i.e. Neuorban) is the biggest mistake someone can make when concerning the nature of this plane of existence. The best way to understand the Feywilds is to think of it like great vines, weaving around, between, and at times even into, the other places of the universe. This is what simultaneously allows it to be accessible from almost any point of existence and utterly elusive to those who seek to enter it. Indeed, some claim the realm itself has a will of its own, for it is often those who directly seek it out are found hopelessly lost and those who are lost find this magical realm through no efforts on their part. It is unknown when or why the Feywilds choose to hinder or help certain individuals come into the realm, or why it also just as often stays out of such affairs entirely. The Feywilds are known, as mentioned previously, to bleed into other planes for periods of time. Tales of entire settlements disappearing without a trace of ever having been there at all are believed to be possibly the result of being within a Feywild outcropping and subsequently being sucked into the realm. It is also rumored the Feywilds are the oldest plane of existence, though it is unproven and the origins of such an assertion are unknown.  

Neither Wholly Good Nor Wholly Evil

The denizens of the Feywilds are just as mysterious and everchanging as the realm itself. Some creatures are benevolent, with many sprites and dryads seeking to aid lost souls as well as their own. Others are truly dark beings, like redcaps and hags who seek to slaughter, destroy, or often times things far, far worse to anything they come across: especially outsiders. Then there are those that, like the realm itself, change and shift. An Eladrin may help you one day then sell you out the next, sometimes for personal gain and other times for no reason at all (at least one a mortal of the material plane would understand). Even The Courts are not destined to act in a predictable manner. One thing is certain of the Feywilds: Nothing is certain or permanent.

Fantastical Flora and Fauna

The life that blooms within the Feywilds is a sight to behold. Whether its the moving meadows of migratory flower-folk, the world trees of The Fall Court, or the Black Ice within the deepest recesses of The Winter Court, there are few places like the expanses of the Feywilds. Though for every benign or helpful plant or animal, you will surely find a dangerous and malicious one.

The Feywild Courts

The exact details of The Courts, specifically their current rulers, can never be guaranteed to be correct at any given time. For it is in their nature The Courts rulers change, compounded with the convoluted flow of time in the Feywilds. One constant is that each Court has four roles: King/Queen, Sire/Lady, Keeper, and Knight. The King/Queen is the ruler of the entire court, tasked with overseeing its growth, prosperity, and protection. The Sire/Lady is the next in line for when the King/Queen is removed from power, either by stepping down, passing away, or being usurped by said Sire/Lady. The Keeper is the protector of the Court's Essence, a power source unique to that Court. The Knight is the personal defender of the King/Queen and Sire/Lady, but answers to the former over the latter over disputed issues. The Knight is unique in that they are always not of the Feywilds, instead being a champion chosen from the material plane. They can range from powerful mages, master swordsmen, unrivaled archers, and so on, so long as the King/Queen sees them fit as a protector of the Court, anyone can be a Knight and receive the powers that the title carries. Though many creatures live within a Court's domain, all Courts have Eladrin who are bound to their respective season.   It is not uncommon for upsets in interrelationships between the four courts to occur, for domains to shrink, expand, or even cease to exist for a time. It's all a vast cycle that is rumored to be even beyond the comprehension of the court lords themselves.

The Winter Court

The frigid tundra and snow hugged forests of the Feywilds all fall under the rule of The Winter Court. It's Eladrin are known to be curt, pragmatic, and firm in their convictions. Though many assume this means they are inclined to be more malicious than their respective cousins, this is not the case. Though they are slow to trust, to be called a friend of a Winter Court Eladrin is to know the most loyal of beings, for like the frost itself they will only waver from their convictions when they broken and reduced to nothingness. The last known account of The Court claims that the once tyrannical Winter Queen Mav, who once wiped out the entirety of the Spring Court for a time, was usurped by her daughter, Winter Lady Mav. With this change in leadership, The Winter Court is no longer known for its aggressive territorial disputes and seizures, but is now content with securing it's current borders and preserving the legacy of its denizens. It is important to note that the previous Winter Queen's fall is seen as poetic by much of the Feywilds, both outside and inside The Winter Court. Legend says her daughter fell in love with a mortal man, who in turn was elevated to the lord of The Spring Court due to Mave's genocide, which turned the then Winter Lady's heart to oppose her despotic mother alongside her husband, aided by his newfound court army. Had Mave stayed her hand against The Spring Court, she may have still ruled her own court to this very day.    

The Spring Court

The verdant, virgin fields and vast rolling meadows of green are the domain of The Spring Court. It's Eladrin are known to be watchful, curious, and generally pleasant people, who take after their king's joy in tending to the life of the land. Though they are slow to anger, any threat to their beloved groves or gardens will regret their transgressions as quickly as the welcoming faces of the Eladrin turn to violent rage. It is said the current ruler is Spring King Samuel, the first of his kind: a mortal that ascended to the fey throne, and a human at that. He is also currently the only known court lord to be married to another lord, his wife being Winter Queen Mav. His firstborn daughter is the Spring Lady, while his second is the current Winter Lady, their names are unknown. Samuel has proven to be a kind, gentle ruler of his court, never seeking expansion but not shying away should his borders be threatened. It is said his personal garden is the most beautiful collection of flora in existence, all attended to by Samuel personally.

The Summer Court

A land where the sun is always shining, rivers of warm foamy water constantly running, and flowers that never wilt or wither, that is the domain of The Summer Court. Summer Eladrin are passionate, quick of wit and act, and known to live boldly. These Eladrin are by far the most proud of them all, which has led to many conflicts as well as many valiant defenses of those they called allies at the time. The current Summer King is a Kitsune, a fox-spirit of the Feywilds, said to be a swordsmen without peer. With the flick of any of his nine pure white tails, it is said great gales can wash upon his domain. His wife is said to be a great dragon, maybe even the first, and legends say that you can see her soaring within the vast clouds of The Summer Court. The Summer Knight, also called the Fiery Tengu, is said to be a giant of a man who wields the power of creeping death and blossoming life. The Summer Court was once ruled by Summer King Gwyn, but was usurped by an unknown duo who saw to the current king's ascension. Rumors say that the Aestabari may have hailed from a denizen of that court, but there is nothing more than unfounded speculation behind this.

The Fall Court

Where twilight hangs eternal, the ashen and grey bark of trees are between life and death, and forests hide alcoves of somber enlightenment, this is where one can find The Fall Court. The Eladrin that once lived here were said to be distant, reserved, but wisest of their kind. Though the Fall Court is well known for it's bleakness, its Eldarin were rumored to carry within thier hearts the sweetest of joys and truths. This was before the court was attacked. It's former ruler, known only as The Melancholy King is said to have been slain by an upstart barbarian of unknown origin. The rest of the court is presumed dead or scattered, including its Eldarin. The slayer now turned king is said to rule The Fall Court in name alone, sequestering himself in the towering tree temple that its previous owner had erected due to some great sorrow he was cursed with before dispatching The Melancholy King.

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