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Summer is one of the main antagonists or NPCs in the 13th Block in Cheltenham Avenue mission. She tried to use an artifact (Bowl of Dreams) to bring the mage/scientist Moloch's spirit into the dreamlands under her control. She was planning to then wake herself up and trap Moloch inside in order to have an opportunity to save the kids he is experimenting on. 

  Plan did not go well as expected. Instead, Moloch started gaining control in Summer's dream as his magical powers are substantially higher than Summer. Summer's dream became a nightmare in which her consciousness continuously got tortured through the past events of her life. 

  The Past
Summer had a troubled past. Takeover of Vampires had happened when she was only 6 years old. She still remembers the horror she felt at those days. Her parents were not so good at keeping their fear to themselves but who can blame them. After the chaos, her mother wanted to run away and leave the country behind but her father was more scared of that since chaos was everywhere. And he knew, he would be powerless to protect his family against the world outside at the time. So they chose to stay.

    In time, chaos left the scene and a new order was established. Summer's father couldn't found a job but tried to sustain the family as best as he can. The decline for humanity was inevitable. Their income dwindled, they moved to a poorer neighbourhood, streets became dangerous, parents started to fight much more than before and after 6 dark months, the only option left was one of them to become a blood pet. In that fated night, her mother and father argued about it. The argument ended when her mother took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her father repeatedly until he stopped moving. Afterwards, she moved towards her daughter before taking her own life and finishing the job. Summer's innate magical powers awakened at that moment to protect its host which resulted in Summer's murder of her mother. At that moment, a stranger arrived in dark robes and a dark mask under it shining purple light. Summer did not respond as she was in shock. Stranger took her into his arms and left the building.

    Summer is taken into the care of the mage known as the Moloch. He brought Summer to an underground facility in which many children are residing in. She spent months in there. After 3 months of dread and fear, she managed to escape. Luckily, Samuel was already onto Summer and arrived to the scene before authorities did. Since Moloch alerted the government that a potentially powerful mage escaped from the facility, vampire and mortal armed forces started a manhunt. They found the trace of Summer and Samuel. Samuel protected his stronghold to drive the pursuers back and afterwards escaped through the night. After a little while, the manhunt was called off as The Council took over the situation and called a truce between two mages. Now safe, Samuel took Summer under his care as his apprentice. After a year of being his apprentice, Summer gained control of her powers faster than everyone he knows. But one day, she disappeared. With her, Samuel's beloved artifact, Bowl of Dreams.

      The Haven
Final level of the dream is an infinite green valley in which Summer and her parents are living in. There is a white old school house (reproduction of the house in Full House series). There is a picnic ground with a wooden table, a swing, a hobby garden with all kinds of flowers with impossible colours growing in, chickens walking around while the cutest kittens play with each other. Amongst all of these, Summer spends her days while her spirit is growing weaker each moment. She still has full control over this part of the dream as her focus is always on it.

    After The Dream
Faction: Council of Wizards
Location: Philadelphia


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