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Incident at Cheltenham Avenue

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Philadelphia Inquirer - City Crime Latest News (5th Page)
20 May 2002

  Inhabitants around Cheltenham Avenue lost consciousness in a massive paranormal event, on 18 May 2002. Several officers from PPD shared the fate after entering the zone. UCC deployed Supernatural Response Unit (SRU) to the site immediately, led by a Tremere Warlock Officer. SRU created a safety line around the Avenue as the mystery of the supernatural event persisted.

  About 28 hours later, before learning the causes of the event, unsconscious citizens and officers woke up in a sudden miracle. Several dead bodies were also found amongst the victims, killed via atrocious violence looked like inflicted by wild animals. Questions like, how and why did the event happen remained unanswered as the statements failed to enlighten the mystery surrounding the Cheltenham Avenue.

  Rumors suggest there is a government facility under the avenue which might have caused the catastrophe due to a failed experiments or such. Additionally, several witnesses who were the victims of the incident, mentioned suspicious people leaving the area in a rush while they are just waking up. But no criminals were apprehended yet.

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